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Aerial view of Melbourne - 1945
Aerial view of Melbourne looking west-south-west from a point approximately above the intersection of Hoddle and Gipps Streets. Visible are significant parts of East Melbourne, the Yarra River, the Jolimont railway yards, and the city of Melbourne fading into the distance.
- 7003 reads
1891 Punt Road - Yarra in Flood
Two photographs presumed to be taken on 1 August 1891 when the Yarra River flooded to a near record extent causing severe damage to houses and property in Richmond and elsewhere. The location of both photos is at the railway bridge over Punt Road near Swan Street.
- 9007 reads
1856 - The punt at Punt Road
A photograph of the punt at Punt Road Richmond taken in 1856. The punt for horses and carriages is on the far (south) bank. There are several small punts for pedestrians on the north bank awaiting business. On the south side of the river Punt Road rises sharply with cultivated land on both sides. There is a large house on the east and several small wooden buildings.
- 18327 reads
Aerial photo of Cliveden Mansion - 1924c
Aerial view of Cliveden Mansions on the corner of Wellington Parade and Clarendon Street, Fitzroy Gardens on left, mansion in Jolimont Terrace visible in right foreground.
- 9065 reads
Family Fun in East Melbourne -1970s and 1980s
A series of photos af East Melbourne families getting together in Darling Square (1970s) and Powlett Reserve (1982?)
- 7115 reads
Autumn Memories: A McCubbin Family Album
A memoir of family life by the daughter of Frederick McCubbin. It includes a ten page chapter about time spent living in the Deanery, East Melbourne (1926-c.1931). The deanery in this case meant the original deanery, demolished and replaced in the 1930s. Contains description of the house and social relationship with those living at Bishopscourt, particularly Archbishop and Mrs. Lees.
- 3820 reads
Marvellous Melbourne and Me
Memoir of living in Melbourne in the 20th century. The author, Bruce McBrien, grew up in a house in Spring Street, Melbourne, and spent much of his social life in East Melbourne, and went to school at Yarra Park State School. Has extensive and detailed memories of a child's life in East Melbourne. Includes photos. No index.
- 6210 reads
MCG Hotel: Submission to Heritage Victoria, 9 December 2010
Submission to Heritage Victoria to have MCG Hotel listed, citing new evidence as to construction date. Building now thought to have been completed in 1859 and possibly the same building in which football rules were written and Melbourne Football Club founded. Licensee at the time was Jerry Bryant, 'the father of cricket in Victoria'
- 3388 reads
An Unfortunate Family Incident in East Melbourne - 1947
Three newspaper articles in interstate papers regarding a very unfortunate incident in East Melbourne in 1947. Apart from a very brief mention there was nothing found in the Melbourne papers, possibly because of local suppression decisions or orders.
- 3934 reads
Brentani Terrace Plans, 159-161 Grey Street
Set of four architectural plans prepared by Peter Matthews for Mrs Brentani for the construction of "Brentani Terrace", at 159 and 161 Grey Street, East Melbourne. The framed originals are available for sale from Tarlo and Graham.
Views include front, rear and side elevations as well as floor plans for the main houses and outhouse buildings. Drawing 2 is behind glass.
- 4148 reads
Prosecution of Dr Samuel Peacock, Eastbourne House 1911
An article in the Melbourne Truth newspaper dated 24 April 1976 describing the events of 1911 when Dr Samuel Peacock was prosecuted for the murder of Mary Margaret Davies. Her remains were never found but it appears that she died following an abortion at Dr Peacock's premises in Eastbourne House on the corner of Wellington Parade and Simpson Street.
- 3786 reads
Sale of Furniture from Brentani 159 Grey Street 1901
Advertisement on page 2 of the Argus 15 April 1901 for the sale of furniture from Brentani Terrace 159 Grey Street East Melbourne:
- 3910 reads
Dr. Samuel Peacock His Conviction and Acquittal of Murder in East Melbourne
Presentation by Malcolm Howell to the East Melbourne Historical Society about Dr. Samuel Peacock and the alleged murder of Mary Davies as a result of an illegal abortion.
- 5512 reads
Tom Wills: His Spectacular Rise and Tragic Fall
Book by Greg de Moore entitled "Tom Wills: His Spectacular Rise and Tragic Fall"
This is the story of Tom Wills - flawed genius, sporting libertine, fearless leader and agitator, and the man most often credited with creating the game we now know as Australian Rules Football.
- 3189 reads
Sotheby's catalogue: Fine Furniture & Decorative Arts Melbourne 25 & 26 October 2010
Catalogue of fine furniture and fine arts includes Lot 311, "an important Australian cedar and specimen wood sideboard of grand proportions carved with the pictorial history of the foundation and progress of the colony of Victoria, circa 1860-1873, by Peter McLean" Peter McLean was a resident of East Melbourne. Illustrated.
- 3261 reads
Melbourne: The City's History and Development
Book by Miles Lewis entitled "Melbourne: The City's History and Development"
The story of the growth of the city of Melbourne from settlement to the present day. 2nd edition. 1 of 2 copies.
- 2927 reads
Melbourne: The City's History and Development
Book by Miles Lewis entitled "Melbourne: The City's History and Development"
The story of the growth of the city of Melbourne from settlement to the present day. 2nd edition. 2 of 2 copies.
- 2764 reads
Victorian Historical Journal November 2010
Articles and reviews on a variety of aspects of Victoria's history.
- 2664 reads
MCG Footbridge
File of copies of historical records and photos relating to the MCG footbridge in Yarra Park east of the MCG. Sourced mainly from VicTrack, Department of Transport, the owner of the bridge; but also from Public Records Office of Victoria, and The Argus newspaper.
- 3230 reads
Marian de Lacy Lowe obituary
Obituary for Marian de Lacy Lowe, model, writer and long time resident of East Melbourne who bought back the house at 42 Albert Street which her grandparents had built and in which she was born. Written by her son Dominic Lowe and published in The Age 10 November 2010.
- 3354 reads
East Melbourne, Wellington Parade South 45
File of items relating to sale of the house at 45 Wellington Parade South, East Melbourne. Once owned by Des Clark, former lord mayor, and artist wife, Irene. From 2010.
- 2865 reads
Women advised to Walk the Walk
Newspaper cutting in which Elizabeth Alexander gives advice on getting ahead as a female in the business world.
- 2762 reads
East Melbourne, Clarendon Street 180 - Stanford House
Photograph of Stanford House. Probably taken in the 1920s judging by the clothing of the passers-by and the condition of the street and surrounding houses.
- 3685 reads
East Melbourne, Brahe Place 018, Garden Avenue 006-012
Amended plans and submissions in relation to development of a multi-storey apartment block on the site.
City of Melbourne rejected the planning application on 15 March 2011.
A VCAT hearing was held 1-3 August 2011.
The VCAT decision was published on 19 August 2011 approving the development almost in its entirety.
- 3345 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 8, 10 - photos 1956
Framed photos of 8 and 10 Simpson Street East Melbourne. In particular the photos show the unique pediment mouldings and the wrought-iron work on the verandas and balconies. Zooming in you can also see the stained glass in the first floor windows.
- 3147 reads
East Melbourne, Wellington Parade 62 - Floor Plan 1952
Floor Plan of 62 Wellington Parade - existing premises 1952. [This presumably means the existing floor plan prior to a renovation.]
Drawn by Robert H. McIntyre & Associates, architects.
- 3611 reads
East Melbourne, Clarendon Street 36, Mosspennoch - 1952c
Photograph of "Mosspennoch" taken about 1955. at this time the building was also called "Philadelphia Robertson House"
It is described as a double storey Italianate mansion on the corner of Clarendon and George Street with arcuated verandahs with engaged pillars, balustrade at upper verandah and at roof, pediment over entrance and at parapet.
Architect Charles Webb.
- 4159 reads
Bishopscourt Open Day, 30-31 July 2011
Photos and documents relating to Bishopscourt Open Day.
Bishopscourt took part in "Melbourne Open House" on 30 and 31 July 2011. Guides provided historical perspectives of the building and its occupants since Bishop Charles and Mrs Frances Perry first took up residence in 1853.
- 4061 reads
Map of Hobson Bay and Yarra River leading to Melbourne 1864
Chart of Hobson Bay and River Yarra leading to Melbourne surveyed by H.L. Cox ; assisted by Thos. Bourchier & P.H. McHugh, 1864 ; engraved by J. & C. Walker.
Published 1865. This edition published 1866 but further annotated with survey information from 1875.
- 14769 reads
Melbourne and Suburbs Isometrical Plan - 1866
A very detailed coloured lithograph by De Gruchy and Leigh of an aerial view of Melbourne in 1866 looking south from a point approximately above the corner of Victoria and Spring Streets. The picture extends from Yarra Park in the east to Batman's Hill in the west and from Albert and Lonsdale Streets in the north to Port Philip Bay in the south.
- 6345 reads
Aerial map of Melbourne - 1945
Aerial map of Melbourne and southern inner suburbs created by the Department of Lands and Survey from a mosaic of aerial photos taken in 1945.
- 15610 reads
Aerial map of Melbourne East - 1945
Aerial map of Melbourne inner eastern suburbs created by the Department of Lands and Survey from a mosaic of aerial photos taken in 1945.
- 6247 reads
Aerial map of Melbourne North - 1945
Aerial map of Melbourne inner northern suburbs created by the Department of Lands and Survey from a mosaic of aerial photos taken in 1945.
- 5007 reads
The Grand Hotel Cabman's shelter in Yarra Park
A story by Jenny Brown published in The Age newspaper Saturday 13 August 2011 about cabbies in the early days of Melbourne. A picture is shown of the Grand Hotel cabman's shelter which is now in Yarra Park. It was originally in Carpentaria Place opposite the Grand Hotel, now the Windsor Hotel.
- 4438 reads
Michael Buxton (x2) - Developer and critic on common ground
Article in The Age newspaper 15 August 2011 about two Michael Buxtons, related but not brothers. Both have different career interests in urban development, one as a developer, the other as Professor of Environment and Planning at RMIT University.
- 4572 reads
Map of Melbourne and its Suburbs - 1855
Detailed map of Melbourne and suburbs in 1855. It extends from Northcote in the north to St Kilda in the south and from North and South Melbourne in the west to Studley Park in the east.
- 12890 reads
What's in a Name? The Lanes of East Melbourne
Booklet published by the East Melbourne Historical Society, November 2008.
Quotation from the Introduction:
East Melbourne’s lanes are an integral part of its historic character. Their bluestone cobbles lead us back to the nineteenth century in a way smoothly tarmacked roads cannot.
- 4392 reads
Girls' Training Home for Domestic Service
Brochure, not dated but c.1910. The institute was founded in 1883 and effectively closed in 1939. The brochure is yellowed with age and moth or insect eaten. It is about 25cm wide by 20cm high. The middle page is actually 50cm wide but is folded in to the centre on both sides to match the front and back pages.
- 4785 reads
Sketches at the Servants' Training Institute
Wood engraving. The actual title is "Sketches at the Servants' Training Institute Richmond" although the location is actually 39 Berry Street, East Melbourne, as shown on the MMBW Plan of 1897.
The sketches show the building itself, the matron and activities in the garden, kitchen, laundry, dining hall and dormitory.
- 4217 reads
MCG Hotel: Renomination to Heritage Victoria, July 2011
Further submission to Heritage Victoria to have MCG Hotel listed. It provides extra source material, and many illustrations in support.
2 items:
1. Report
2. Letter in support
- 3301 reads
Victorian Historical Journal June 2011
Articles and reviews on a variety of aspects of Victoria's history
- 3143 reads
Preservation of Melbourne's Heritage
Two newspaper articles on preservation of Melbourne's heritage. Published on successive days in The Age 22nd and 23rd November 2011. The first by Christopher Menz, acting director of the Ian Potter Museum of Art, The University of Melbourne. The second by Miki Perkins, city reporter for The Age.
- 2970 reads
Saving Caspar: how a vet got a tick of approval
Newspaper article in The Age, 13 December 2011. The story is told of Caspar, an East Melbourne pet Tibetan spaniel cross. Caspar was bitten and brought near to death by a tick of a type rare in Melbourne. The problem was eventually correctly diagnosed by local vet Bill Ryan and Caspar was given a new lease on life. Quotes from Bill Ryan, Helen Fisher and young Max Fisher.
- 3076 reads
East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation synagogue refurbishment
Newspaper article in The Age 27 January 2012 about the relaunching of the East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation synagogue after a major refurbishment.
- 3247 reads
1912 Plans for new school buildings St Peters East Melbourne
Plans published in the Church of England Messsenger 25 October 1912 for a new school building at St Peter's Eastern Hill. The plans were drawn up by Mr Alexander North F.R.V.I.A. Cost projected at £5,700.
The plans did not proceed.
- 2852 reads
1912 Advertisement for W.J. Williams Chemist and Optician
Advertisement in the Church of England Messenger 2 February 1912 for W.J. Williams, chemist and optician, offering "prescriptions accurately dispensed" and "sight-testing gratis".
- 2701 reads