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Braemar auction
Auction brochure and newspaper clippings about auction of Braemar, 178 George Street, East Melbourne, scheduled for 26 February 2005. Photos. Plans.
- 2889 reads
A loss to the community
Newspaper clipping recording the death of Jonathan Gianfreda, butcher and smallgoods specialist who lived in East Melbourne.
- 3164 reads
Mercy fire
A collection of newspaper clippings about the fire at the Mercy Hospital for Women which caused the evacuation of mothers and babies. Photos. December 2004-January 2005.
- 3157 reads
156 Powlett Street
Newspaper clippings about forthcoming sale of 156 Powlett Street, East Melbourne, expressions of interest closing 1 April 2005. Photos. Plans.
- 2849 reads
130 Powlett Street
Brochure advertising auction of 130 Powlett Street, East Melbourne, scheduled for 19 March 2005. Photos. Plans. Also later brochures and real estate clippings.
- 3118 reads
Commonwealth Games change East Melbourne
Newspaper clippings outline the changes to Melbourne in preparation for the Commonwealth Games. Sites in East Melbourne include MCG, Hilton Hotel, MCG Hotel, Jolimont Station, new footbridge. Photos, including aerial shot of Melbourne covering inner suburbs.
- 3128 reads
Australian Open
Newspaper articles give background to decision to build new tennis centre. Includes plan of Melbourne Park.
- 2880 reads
Shelter protected
Newspaper clipping reporting that Mary MacKillop House in Albert Street, East Melbourne, has been added to the register of Heritage Victoria. Mary MacKillop House was established as a home for homeless and unemployed women by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Photo.
- 2584 reads
Mercy hospital enters new era
Newspaper clipping about upgrade of Mercy Private Hospital.
- 2937 reads
Leaseback a sweet deal
Newspaper clipping reporting that the restaurant and reception area in the Saville Hotel, 133 Jolimont Road, Jolimont, is for sale. Photo.
- 2859 reads
Joan Mercer
Three portrait photographs of Joan Mercer in colour, taken shortly before her death.
- 3273 reads
Morgan for mayor
Newspaper articles about Gary Morgan's mayoral campaign as part of Melbourne city Council elections in 2004. Includes some biographical information. Photos.
- 2954 reads
Do it Now: The Life of Charles Richard Herschell
Biography of Charles Richard Herschell by his grand-daughter. Herschell founded a film Production studio of the same name. Its headquarters were at 31 Agnes Street, Jolimont from 1925. List of films made by Herschells. Photos.
- 3543 reads
Six-Bob-a-Day Tourist
The letters of Private Thomas Gardner written to his mother and sister, Mabel from the battlefields of World War I. Interspersed with the letters is the story of Mabel's involvement with the Women's Peace Movement extracted from her diary. The Gardners' family home was Coniston, 117 George Street, East Melbourne. Some brief descriptons of the house but no photos.
- 3344 reads
Journeys in time: The VPK - My Key to Adventure
The author tells of his time as a youth working at Herscehll's Films in Jolimont. He lived at 166 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne, which his mother ran as a boarding house. Photos. In Photographic Trader, Number 109.
- 3593 reads
Journeys in time: Rack and Tank
Author, Kev Franzi, explains film Production techniques as used at Herschell's Films in Jolimont. He worked there as a youth. He lived at 166 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne. Photos and diagrams. In Photographic Trader Number 110.
- 3013 reads
Journeys in time: 'A Brief Encounter'
Author, Kev Franzi, as an aspiring young photograher tells of a brief encounter with Dr. Julian Smith, a leading portrait photographer as well as an eminent surgeon. Kev Franzi lived at 166 Wellington Parade, and Julian Smith lived at 36 Powlett Street. Includes some examples of Dr.
- 2959 reads
Thomas Rand at The Ritz
Photocopies and transcriptions of letters to and from Thomas Rand who lived at The Ritz, 36 Clarendon Street, East Melbourne, for the year 1925-26. It seems Mrs. Rand was temporarily managing The Ritz boarding house. Two of the letters mention an offer to take over management if she wishes to give it up. Four short letters, including one draft, to a tenant at Koorine, cnr.
- 3213 reads
To Let ads
Photocopy of To Let column of The Argus 15 January 1923. 11 addresses in East Melbourne and Jolimont. Very little information, no prices, some properties are named.
- 3092 reads
East Melbourne Historical Society Newsletter: February, June, September 2005
Vol. VI, 2005. Three issues a year. Newsletter gives news of Society's activities and short articles relevant to the history of East Melbourne and Jolimont.
- 5433 reads
Jolimont 1879
An edited extract from an article entitled 'Typhoid fever connected with milk supply' [see VF71]. Gives a colourful description of Jolimont and dairy practices of the time. In East Melbourne Historical Society Newsletter, February 2005.
- 3070 reads
Herschell's Films of Jolimont: A Memoir
An edited extract from an article entitled 'Journeys in time: The VPK - My Key to Adventure' by Kev Franzi. [see VF 354]. In East Melbourne Historical Society Newsletter, June 2005.
- 2929 reads
Outrage at Lauriston Hall
An article telling the story of the unsolved murder of Eric Tulloch which took place at Lauriston Hall, 86 Wellington Parade in 1921.
- 3176 reads
Victorian Artists Society
An artist's impression of Eastern Hill and Fitzroy in the late 1880s,viewed from St. Patrick's Cathedral, looking down Morrison Place and Brunswick Street, and showing old Victorian Artists' Society building and its neighbours.
- 2793 reads
A Picture of Diversity
Catalogue of exhibition of photographs entitled 'A Picture of Diversity' put on by the East Melbourne Historical Society to celebrate the East Melbourne Group's jubilee year in October 2004. Gives short histories of several buildings in East Melbourne and Jolimont, some of which have been demolished, others still stand. Also short biograhies of some past East Melbourne identities.
- 3062 reads
Scotch photos
Photocopies of photographs and plan of Scotch College handed out to accompany talk given by James Mitchell to the East Melbourne Historical Society on the history of Scotch College in October 2004.
- 2844 reads
Clare Hicks
Two photographs. One shows Clare Hicks with her niece and nephew outside apartment buildings at 25 and 27 Powlett Street. The buildings are a matching pair, two storeys with rounded openings, early 20th century. The second photo shows Clare's sister with her children and eastern side of Powlett Street behind from 22 Powlett Street to corner of Wellington Parade.
- 3232 reads
Haunted house
Two photographs. One shows house at 35 Powlett Street. The house is almost entirely covered in creeper. The second coloured photo shows the sculpture outside the I.C.I. Building in Albert Street. Also photocopy with inscription by donor.
- 2919 reads
Two cottages, one home
Photocopy of article about the work done by architect Geoffrey Borrack to the two cottages at 93 and 95a Simpson Street to convert them to one house. Some historical notes. The house was scheduled for auction on 3 October 1981.
- 2910 reads
Tudor Village
Fitzroy and Treasury Gardens Public Consultation Report by City of Melbourne in response to public reaction to their draft masterplan [see VF 288]. Original intention to demolish Tudor Village is overturned. Other items refer to proposed restoration of the Model Tudor Village. Photos.
- 3268 reads
Pyman's Pharmacy is moving
Postcard with old photo of Williams Pharmacy on the corner of Powlett Street and Wellington Parade from The Argus, 13 Oct 1956. Produced in 2004 to advertise change of address.
- 4373 reads
PLC clippings
Clippings from 1931 and 1932 Patchwork. Include House Notes and articles on The Late Dame Nellie Melba and Henry Handel Richardson. Illustrations of decorative furniture and joinery in Wyselaskie Hall. Photo of students at assembly in Wyselaskie Hall. Photo of Music Rooms (Koorinya). Also photo of student Jean Campbell who later became a writer under a nom-de-plume.
- 3247 reads
Tasma Terrace
Leaflet produced by the National Trust outlining the history of Tasma Terrace.
- 6417 reads
St. Anne's 154 Gipps Street East Melbourne - 1970
Photograph of St. Anne's, 154 Gipps Street, just prior to its demolition in 1970. It is now part of the Mercy Hospital site. The house was previously known as Stokesay.
- 3286 reads
The Mercy Maternity Hospital
Publicity brochure gives overview of the new hospital. Photos. Plans. Costs. (3 copies).
- 2936 reads
Official Opening of the Mercy Maternity Hospital
Program of the opening of the Mercy Hospital by the Hon. Sir Henry Bolte. Photos.
- 2974 reads
First Mass and Blessing of the Hospital
Order of Service for first mass and blessing of Mercy Hospital.
- 2710 reads
Mercy people
17 small proof photos which were used in the program of the official opening of the Mercy Hospital. 13 are of people; 4 are of interiors. All labelled in handwriting.
- 2914 reads
Sr. Joan Keenan's presentation dinner
Series of seven black and white photos taken on the occasion of Sr. Joan Keenan's presentation dinner, 20 January 1984. Labelled on back. Names given are Sr. Joan Keenan, Dr. James E. Breheny and Mr. James A. Gallagher.
- 3261 reads
Philip Brady draws raffle
Photo of Philip Brady drawing a Mercy Maternity Hospital raffle in the cafeteria in the 1970s.
- 2989 reads
Pope's visit
Series of seven small colour proof photos of the visit by Pope John Paul II to the Mercy Hospital in 1986.
- 3236 reads
Mercy Maternity Hospital 1971
Proof photo of Mercy Maternity Hospital used in program of the official opening of the Mercy Hospital.
- 12440 reads
View from Mercy Maternity Hospital
Photo taken from Mercy Maternity Hospital gives view over Fitzroy Gardens with St. Andrew's Hospital, St. Patrick's Cathedral and Eastern Hill in the background.
- 7009 reads
The Cymyn, 166 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne - 1946
Photo of house at 166 Wellington Parade taken in 1946. Shows large two storey house with timber arcaded verandah and timber balcony above and an octagonal turret with elaborate cement decoration beneath the eaves. Built c.1908 for William Gardiner Sprigg who called it The Cymyn. The photographer, Kev Franzi lived in the house in 1940s when it was a boarding house run by his mother.
- 4632 reads
Photo of 31 Agnes Street, which was the headquarters of Herschell's Films. File also includes small photo of Herschell's previous address in Flinders Street c. 1946-7.
- 3101 reads
Herschell miscellany
Copy of a letter to Kev Franzi from Lindsay Parker in response to request for informaton about Herschell's. It includes a photo of some of Herschell's staff. Kev has added additional notes about staff members. Copy of Herschell's letterhead. Proof photos (2) printed on non-photographic paper of Herschell's new film processors.
- 3425 reads
Herschell's old rack and tank processing gear
Photo shows three men in front of old film processing equipment after its replacement.
- 2947 reads