East Melbourne, Albert Street 204, 206, 208 - Burchett
Built in 1859 three 2 storey houses for W.G.Spriggs - owner. Built by Robert Huckson.
1861 owned by W.G. Sprigg, occupied by:
204 - A. Schulkraft
206 - F. Cook
208 - Richard Wade
1868-1881 204 was occupied by William Sprigg
1979 became Clarendon Medical Centre
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East Melbourne, Powlett Street 017, Merton
Symmetrical, two storey, double fronted, cement rendered house with bay windows each side.
On 18 June 1858 Crouch & Wilson called for tenders for the erection of a cottage residence in Powlett Street for Raphael Alexander. The rate books from 1859 to 1868 give fluctuating descriptions of the house as having between 5 and 7 rooms but from 1864 settle at 6 rooms. In 1869 it is listed as having 12 rooms, coinciding with a new owner, Henry "Money" Miller.
East Melbourne, Wellington Parade 148, 150, 152
Two shops and seven roomed brick villa
150 was one in from the SW corner of Powlett Street. It was a pharmacy from about 1896 to 1924. The first chemist there was Patrick McLean; he was followed about two years later by Edward Maurice Gibbs; then for about ten years from 1903 by Harry J. Massey, chemist and dentist; and finally Walter J. Williams, chemist and optician, purchased the business about 1913.
East Melbourne, Wellington Parade 154, Maisonette
Eight roomed, double fronted, brick villa
Owned by Eliza Jane Sprigg at time of her death, 1916. At which time it was valued at one thousand pounds and rented to Mr. Ormond at seven pounds a month
Now part of site occupied by apartment block known as 1 Powlett Street
East Melbourne, Wellington Parade 160, Parkview
A two-storeyed brick residence containing nine rooms.
Owned by Eliza Jane Sprigg at the time of her death in 1916. At that time it was valued at 939 pounds and was rented to Mr. Cornell at 30 shillings per week. Its street number was then 158.
Now part of site occupied by apartment block known as 1 Powlett Street
East Melbourne, Wellington Parade 166, The Cymyn
A large two storey brick house, with an arcaded timber verandah below and a timber balcony above; and an octagonal turret with elaborate cement decoration beneath the eaves. A bungalow behind.
Eliza Jane Sprigg (maiden name: Eliza Jane Louis James) married first, William Hodgson, artist; and second, (1902) William Gardiner Sprigg. Eliza Jane Sprigg also owned the neighbouring properties 148, 150, 152, 154 and 158 Wellington Parade, now all demolished and the site redevloped as 1 Powlett Street Apartments; and 17 Powlett Street [qv].
Eliza Jane Sprigg, Hannah Clark and Florence Bland Holt
The photo shows three women in Victorian dress taking tea on a verandah. The women are from left to right Eliza Jane Sprigg, her sister Hannah Clark and actress Florence Bland Holt. The donor of the photo believed it to be taken either at 166 Wellington Parade or Cliveden Mansions.
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