Dr John Singleton and his work
Newspaper clipping about the old Free Medical Dispensary in Wellington Street, Collingwood established by Dr John Singleton. Dr Singleton, doctor, social worker and reformer, lived in East Melbourne, and his daughters ran a school in his home for many years. The school was Ormiston which eventually moved out of East Melbourne and merged with Camberwell Anglican Girls Grammar.
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Dr. John Singleton - 1864
Photo of Dr. John Singleton taken by Thomas J.J. Wyatt in June 1864. The photo is from an album which belonged to Thomas Lewis Singleton, 1847-1922.
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East Melbourne, Clarendon Street 180, Stanford House
A photo of c.1934 shows a large symmetrical house. The central section has a steep roof with attic windows, and is flanked by Italianate pavillions, each with a bay window.
The house is believed to be the first built in East Melbourne after the first Crown land sales of 1852 opened the suburb up to the public. It was built for Henry Cooke and was described in the 1854 Rate Books as a wooden house of 12 rooms plus a kitchen and stables, etc.
East Melbourne, Gipps Street 173 - Burchett
Built 1860 by George Black for Charles James Hodgson. 2 Storey stone house of 8 rooms. thought to be the oldest surviving house in Gipps Street.
occupied 1862 by Frederick Haller and later in 1870 by Dr. John Singleton, doctor, social worker and reformer who later had his surgery in Clarendon Street.
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East Melbourne, Grey Street 129
Large two storey house with a timber verandah and balcony. The verandah has a railing supported by balusters, and above is an arched frieze of trellis. The balcony railing has two dimensional rather than turned supports, and the timber brackets and frieze are of simple pierced design.
Edwin Richard Elliott had been postmaster in Beechworth and circa 1865 he moved to Melbourne and bought a house at what is now 137 Grey Street, East Melbourne. This house he called Grafton Villa. He then purchased the vacant block next door at 129 Grey Street. He commissioned Crouch & Wilson to design a new residence for him.
East Melbourne, Grey Street 129, Ormiston
Black and white photo of a large Victorian era house with elaborate timber verandah and balcony.
At the time the photo was taken the house was the home of Ormiston Ladies College. Students and teachers are gathered on the verandah and balcony.
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Holy Trinity Centenary 2007
A Talk in Commemoration of 150 years of Anglican presence and the centenary of the consecration of Holy Trinity Church
By Father John Stewart, Vicar, Holy Trinity Anglican Church East Melbourne
Director, The Living Well Centre for Christian Spirituality
Friday 19 October 2007
Ormiston Educational Establishment for Young Ladies
East Melbourne from its earliest days was full of schools. The larger, purpose-built church schools eventually grew too big for the small parcels of land available and moved to more spacious suburbs; and the smaller privately run schools generally died a natural death when their principals retired or failed to make a go of it.
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