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East Melbourne, Simpson Street 010. Electoral Rolls of 1903, 1906, 1909, 1913, 1919, 1934, 1936, 1939 and1945.
4 x A4 pages of typed notes being the names of residents living at 10 Simpson Street,East Melbourne extracted from Electoral Rolls of 1903, 1906, 1909, 1913, 1919, 1934,1936, 1939 and 1945.
- 7625 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 014. Electoral Rolls of 1909
1 x A4 page of typed notes being the names of residents living at 14 Simpson Street extracted from Electoral Roll of 1909
- 2650 reads
Yarra Park - Melbourne Cricket Ground - Amateur Sports Ground. Electoral Rolls 1906, 1913 and 1919.
1 x A4 page of typed notes being the names of residents whose addresses are given as Yarra Park, Melbourne Cricket Ground or Amateur Sportsground.
- 2716 reads
Bruce McBrien OAM
1 x A4 page of typed notes on the life of Bruce McBrien, 0AM, author of Marvellous Melbourne and Me.
- 2606 reads
East Melbourne and Jolimont First World War Servicemen and women
A spreadsheet giving the Regimental Number, Rank, Name, Address, Unit and Deorations & Remarks of all known First World War service men and women who had some connection with East Melbourne or Jolimont. It may have been their place of birth, residence, enlistment or next of kin. There are approximately 760 entries.
A bound copy of 50 x A4 pages.
- 2506 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 050 - then and now
Two photos on one A4 sheet: one showing the rear of 50 Hotham Street in 1973, and the other showing the same view in 2011.
- 2646 reads
East Melbourne, George Street 125a, 125b - then and now
Two photos on one A4 page; one showing 125a and 125b taken from above and behind in c.1975, the other is taken from the same position but is zoomed out to show a wider view of George Street. Both photos were taken from the roof of 100 Wellington Parade.
- 2505 reads
East Melbourne, Clarendon Street 150 - marketing new apartments
Marketing brochure for the sale of apartments in the converted Mercy Hospital at 150 Clarendon Street. Photos of display units, views, recreational spaces (pool, gym, theatre). Information about finishes and services.
- 2298 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 028
Sale brochure for 28 Simpson Street in 2012. Exterior photo. Plan. Single storey double fronted house. Modernized,
- 2282 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 077
Brochure advertising auction of 77 Grey Street scheduled for 29 October 2012. Interior photos. Plans. Separate sheet gives financial information and lists some recent sale prices in the area.
- 2336 reads
Market Report January - June 2011
Document gives sales and rental results in East Melbourne during a six month period, January-June 2011. Thumbnail photos.
- 2261 reads
Bishopscourt Social History
Publicity material for appeal for funds to support the writing of a social history of Bishopscourt, 2010-2011
- 2391 reads
Bishopscourt Refurbishment Appeal
Publicity material for appeal for funds to support the refurbishment of Bishopscourt.
- 2592 reads
The Reverend Jane Foulcher
Invitation to meet the new vicar of Holy Trinity, East Melbourne, the Reverend Jane Foulcher. Gives biographical details.
- 2406 reads
Menzies Foundation Annual Review 2010
Annual Review of the Menzies Foundation. A short overview of the year's activities.
- 2247 reads
East Melbourne, Gipps Street 140 - marketing new apartments
Marketing brochure for sale of new apartments built on the site of the old Merecy Hospital car park. Descriptions of architecture, materials and finishes.
- 2874 reads
Market Report - Winter 2010
Document gives sales and rental results in East Melbourne April-June 2010. Thumbnail photos.
- 2379 reads
Sisters say they'll never sell house
Photocopies of newspaper clipping referring to two sisters, the Misses Louie and Annie Marchant, and their refusal to sell their cottage. Some history of the cottage and description. The pre-fabricated cottage was demolished in the 1960s.
- 2571 reads
Memories of East Melbourne
Hand written notes on 1 x A4 page.
Author lived at 63 George Street from birth, 1946-1959.
Parents of author lived at 63 George Street from time of their marriage c.1933-1959.
The blue stone building [No. 65?] was originally a Cobb & Co. staging post. [No documentary confirmation of this has been found]
- 2448 reads
Agent to call in lawyers as squatters take over
Photocopied newspaper clipping about squatters occupying Eastbourne House on the corner of Wellington Parade and Simpson Street and the four houses next door in Simpson Street, all under the one ownership. It was the first occupation of private premises by the Squatters' Union since its formation in 1981.
- 2597 reads
Notes on the life of Dr Samuel Peacock
Notes on the life of Dr Samuel Peacock comprise photocopied articles from Cyclopedia of Victoria and The Argus, plus some hand-written notes. Peacock was the subject of a notorious court case in which he was accused of causing a death by performing an illegal operation. After three much publicised trials he was acquitted.
- 2537 reads
An East Melbourne Walk
Booklet produced for a walk conducted by Rosemarie Smith on behalf of the East Melbourne Historical Society for members of the Friends of the Sydney Historic Houses Trust on 18 June 2012. The booklet was compiled by Rosemarie Smith. It gives brief notes on the 34 buildings featured in the walk and includes colour photos.
- 2499 reads
View of rooftops and backs of houses
Colour photo taken from rear fire escape of Bradoc House, 32 George Street, East Melbourne. The photo is taken over the rear of the house at 46 George Street and looks towards the apartments at 150 Clarendon Street. The chimneys of Queen Bess Row, 72-76 Hotham Street are in the middle distance.
- 2602 reads
46 George Street
Colour photo taken from rear fire escape of Bradoc House, 32 George Street, East Melbourne. The rear garden of 40 George Street is in the foreground, with the the building at the rear of 46 George Street the main focus of the photo. The side of the building shows three trompe l'oeil paintings depicting a landscape as seen through three arched windows.
- 2296 reads
Cook's Cottage - fact sheet
A self-guided fact sheet for visitors to Cook's Cottage.
- 2313 reads
Joanna Pace - Vote 1
Promotional brochure for Joanna Pace when she stood for election to the Melbourne City Council in 1999.
- 2713 reads
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 514, 516, 518, 520. 522. 524, Royal Villas
Postcard with photo of Royal Villas, 514-524 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne. The photo shows a row of six terrace houses. The central four each have a triple arched verandah and two windows above, while the two end houses have an arched porch over the front door and one window downstairs, and two windows above. One of the houses is marked '85' in red ink.
- 6556 reads
A Tribute to Betty Hall
Notes on the life of Betty Hall who died 8 April 2011. The notes cover mainly her life after her retirement which she spent in East Melbourne. She was involved in many local groups and community activities. In her working life she had been a highly respected property lawyer with the firm Purves and Purves.
- 2647 reads
Walter Murray Buntine, M.A.
Photocopied chapter from 'Years May Pass On. Caulfield Grammar School 1881-1981' by Horace Webber, being a biography of Walter Murray Buntine, M.A., educationist and headmaster of Caulfield Grammar 1896-1931. Buntine matriculated from Scotch College in 1885. During his time at Scotch he boarded with the Reverend Mr. Steel, then minister at the Presbyterian Church in East Melbourne.
- 2863 reads
MCG Hotel: Statement of Evidence regarding heritage issues. Report to VCAT October 2010
An expert witness statement to VCAT supporting the case against demolition of the northern wing of the hotel which was part of a proposal to build apartments on the site. The statement contains historical information and images.
- 2799 reads
Epworth Hospital: its beginnings
Photocopy of page 282 from "Epworth, a Tradition of Care 1920-2010" by Janette Bomford. It tells of the opening of the Samaritan Nurses' Home at 111 Hotham Street in 1903. This was the start of what became Bethesda Hospital and ultimately the Epworth.
- 4445 reads
Real estate sales
Promotional brochure advertising two recent sales in East Melbourne: house at 171 Powlett Street and apartment at 30 St. Andrews Place
- 2475 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 77
Brochure advertising forthcoming auction of 77 Grey Street on 29 October 2011. Photo of the exterior.
- 2357 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 28
Brochure advertising auction of 28 Simpson Street on 10 December 2011. Photo of exterior and plan.
- 2359 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 2
Brochure advertising sale by expression of interest of 2 Grey Street. No photos or plan.
- 2298 reads
East Melbourne, Powlett Street 110
Brochure and newspaper clipping advertising forthcoming auction of 110 Powlett Street, East Melbourne on 16 March 2013.
- 2615 reads
East Melbourne, Gipps Street 179
Newspaper clippings about forthcoming auction of 179 Gipps Street on 17 May 2012.
- 2404 reads
Treasures of a teenage genius
A newspaper clipping about J.J. Clark, architect of the Old Treasury Building in Spring Street. Gives biographical information and lists other works.
- 2803 reads
Vlado Gregurek, king of steak
Obituary and other newspaper clippings about Vlado Gregurek, restaurateur, who died 29 May 2012. Vlado was a resident of East Melbourne. Photos.
- 2740 reads
Horsemen make odd couple
Newspaper article giving the stories of the Stanford Fountain and the statue of poet and expert horseman, Adam Lindsay Gordon, both to be found in the Gordon Reserve. William Stanford was arrested for stealing horses and sent to Pentridge. There, realizing his talent, the prison chaplain arranged for him to have lessons from sculptor, Charles Summers.
- 2656 reads
Jolimont, Palmer Street 5
A copy of Domain from The Sunday Age, 16 October 2011. A photo of Paul Caine, local real estate agent, on the front page. Pages 4 to 5 have a photo of the crowd in Palmer Street in front of the old Jolimont Square wall while Paul Caine conducts the auction of 5 Palmer Street. A short article on the sale of the property as part of a larger overview of auction results.
- 2687 reads
Yarra Park - MCC's vision
Pages from the MCC News December 2009. Front page shows MCG and surrounds. Yarra Park is almost denuded of grass and covered in cars. Page 4 shows the MCC's Yarra Park masterplan and position of proposed water recycling plant. Pages 5-6 is an article explaining the water recycling plant and 'improvements to the development, protection and maintenance of the parkland'.
- 2687 reads
Kent Villa, Victoria Parade, East Melbourne - 1926c.
The photo shows a symmetrical single storey house with bays on each side which continue up to the balustraded parapet. The verandah frieze is timber with iron inserts and is supported on double columns with ionic capitals. The central section of the verandah projects forward creating a front porch.
- 3092 reads
My Chronicle: From War to Peace
The author, Arda Barry, tells the story of her early life: growing up in Latvia, fleeing the Russian invaders, experiences in the refugee camps of occupied Germany, arrival in Australia five years later and the Bonegilla Migrant Camp, school in the Riverina and work as a milk bar attendant during the day and nursing aid at night in Melbourne. Her family history is covered in an addendum.
- 2489 reads
My Chronicle: From War to Peace
The author, Arda Barry, tells the story of her early life: growing up in Latvia, fleeing the Russian invaders, experiences in the refugee camps of occupied Germany, arrival in Australia five years later and the Bonegilla Migrant Camp, school in the Riverina and work as a milk bar attendant during the day and nursing aid at night in Melbourne. Her family history is covered in an addendum.
- 2470 reads
Victorian Historical Journal June 2013
Articles and reviews on various aspects of Victoria's history. This issue is dedicated to aspects of the history of the state's print media. Two of the articles have some relevance to the history of East Melbourne:
- 2458 reads
East Melbourne Jolimont Community Magazine 2013
Newsletters for 2013. Winter, Spring, Summer. Articles on matters of local concern. Community news.
Also News: Update May 2013.
Newsletters on-line at
- 2328 reads
Berry Street Foundling Home Cookery Book
A facsimile edition reproducing the original 4th edition printed in 1938. As well as recipes the book contains gardening and household hints, and a child welfare section with advice to the prospective mother. There is a brief forward describing the work of the Berry Street Foundling Home.
- 2627 reads
Melbourne Cricket Club Roll of Honour 1914-1918
Honour roll remembering members of the Melbourne Cricket Club who lost their lives fighting in World War 1. There are 137 names and each is given a basic biographical sketch of a few lines including address, occupation, education and unit. A few have photos.
- 2422 reads
Trust Newsletter 1973/74
A Special Issue Incorporating the Eighteenth Annual Summary of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) 1973/74. Pages 7-8 have a small article on planning issues in East Melbourne including Clarendon Terrace and the Baptist Church.
- 2339 reads