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Mary Grant Bruce. Notes on her life
A file containing material relating to the life of Mary Grant Bruce.
1. 2 x A4 pages being photocopy of Certificate of Marriage celebrated at Holy Trinity, East Melbourne
2. 3 x A4 pages of typed notes being a time line of the life of Mary Grant Bruce.
- 2474 reads
Mary Grant Bruce. Some extracts from Seven Little Billabongs by Brenda Niall
The file contains photocopied extracts from Seven Little Billabongs by Brenda Niall. (Now out of print.)
1. 1 x A4 page: Cover
- 2816 reads
East Melbourne, Trinity Church - 1864
An engraving of the first Trinity Church East Melbourne, published in 1864. Scanned from a book and published by the State Library of Victoria through Picture Australia.
- 2934 reads
Why East Melbourne is Special for Ros and Me: a talk by Richard Blandy
4 x A4 pages of typescript being a talk given by Richard Blandy on living in East Melbourne
- 2506 reads
Dame Nellie Melba and Presbyterian Ladies College, East Melbourne
6 x A4 pages photocopied from Patchwork, the school magazine of Presbyterian Ladies College. File includes two short articles about old girl, Dame Nellie Melba, "Melba, the Singer" by Mary Campbell and "Melba and the Old School" by Frances Fraser. The pages also include snaps taken around the school. No date but c.1950s.
- 2611 reads
Presbyterian Ladies College: students in kilts
Black and white photo shows five girls wearing kilts, standing. In front one girl sits wrapped in a blanket. Names written on the back include Anne Abell, Jan ?, Susan Howe, Heather Beveridge, Jenny Hume, Rosemary Schenker. The name Flora McDonald appears in brackets with question marks.
- 2424 reads
Presbyterian Ladies College: class photo
Black and white photo shows a group of students in school uniform, some standing, some sitting on the ground. Numbers appear on the reverse which correspond to a list of names accompanying the photo.
- 3837 reads
Jolimont, Jolimont Road 140 - 2012
Advertorial article in the business section of The Age newspaper 12 September 2012 advertising the sale of 140-142 Jolimont Road, Jolimont.
- 2820 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 118 - 1917c
Newspaper photo of Torloisk, 118 Vale Street, East Melbourne probably at the time of it's sale by the McLean family to the Anglican religious order, the Community of the Holy Name. The property became the St Ives Private Hospital. (Ref.
- 3439 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 118 - 1990
Photograph of Torloisk, 118 Vale Street East Melbourne.
The building, previously St Ives Private Hospital, was purchased in 1990 by the Myer family who undertook major renovations including demolition of the hospital extension and restoration of some of the original architectural forms such as the corner window arches.
- 4524 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 115 - 1952c
Photo of 115 Grey Street, East Melbourne. Built in 1853, it appears in Maie Casey's book, "Early Melbourne Architecture."
- 2849 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 115 - 2012
Two photographs of 115 Grey Street, East Melbourne taken in 2012. This house was built in 1853 and is the earliest building still standing in East Melbourne.
- 2858 reads
Ode to the Planning Minister
Letter to The Age 18 September 2012:
"Ode to Matthew Guy"
HE LOVES a sunburnt country,
a land of sweeping cranes,
of haggard mountain ranges,
of overcrowded trains.
His love of far horizons,
filled with concrete towers,
he dreams of more of this,
to exercise his powers.
To achieve his main objective,
- 2766 reads
Fitzroy Gardens, Grey Street Walk - 1890c
Coloured postcard of Fitzroy Gardens looking west down Grey Street walk towards St Patrick's Cathedral. Two people are walking towards the city in period dress. A gardener can be seen in the distance as well as a statue.
- 3532 reads
Melbourne Eucharistic Congress 1934
Souvenir of the National Eucharistic Congress, Melbourne, 1934
Highly detailed panoramic photo taken by H.M. Walker from the parapet of the Eastern Hill Fire Station.
The photograph shows the special papal legate Cardinal MacRory standing on the balcony of Mount St Evin's Private Hospital with white-robed church dignitaries and thousands of the faithful packed the Parade.
- 5652 reads
Lowe Kong Meng
Engraving of Mr Lowe Kong Meng taken from a photo by Frith dated 1866. Lowe Kong Meng was a very successful Chines businessman who lived in East Melbourne at Valetta in Clarendon Street. See
- 5293 reads
East Melbourne Jolimont News 2012
Newsletters for 2012: Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. Items on matters of local concern. Community news.
Newsletters on-line at
- 2669 reads
Victorian Historical Journal November 2012
Articles and reviews on a variety of aspects of Victoria's history
- 2154 reads
A Respectable Married Woman
Based loosely on a true story the novel tells 'A story of passion, prejudice and triumph set in the Victoria's 19th century gold-fields'. It is the story of a young woman sent to Australia by her father because of an unplanned pregnancy. The plan is for her to find a suitable husband and return to England.
- 2525 reads
Jolimont, Charles Street 028
Auction brochure for 28 Charles Street, Jolimont, scheduled for 15 September 2012. Interior and exterior coloured photos. Plans. The house is a converted stable with modern extension.
Also feature article from The Age, 8 Sept 2012, Domain.
- 2293 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 45
Auction brochure for 45 Grey Street scheduled for 27 October 2012. Interior and exterior coloured photos. Plans. Terrace house.
- 2174 reads
East Melbourne, Darling Street 12
Auction Brochure for 12 Darling Street, scheduled for 20 October 2012. Interior and exterior coloured photos. Plans. Modern single storey house.
- 2228 reads
East Melbourne, George Street 156
Auction brochure for 156 George Street scheduled for 13 October 2012. Interior and exterior coloured photos. Plans on separate insert. Apartment within a 19th century mansion.
- 2351 reads
East Melbourne, Powlett Street 96
Auction brochure for 96 Powlett Street scheduled for 15 December 2012. Interior and exterior coloured photos. Plans. Terrace house.
Also article from Domain (The Age, 16 Sep 2012) on the state of the real estate market, main property featured is 96 Powlett Street, and photos show the auction in progress with Paul Caine as auctioneer.
- 2482 reads
Frank Laver: The Colosus of Jolimont
A report of the talk given by Ian Woodward on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Cricket Society. Frank Laver was an East Melbourne, Victorian and Australian Test allrounder whose career spanned 23 years from 1891-1914.
- 2661 reads
Gipps Street Median
Information circulated to local residents by Melbourne City Council about a median strip proposed to be built in Gipps Street.
- 2227 reads
Darling Street Stormwater Harvesting Scheme
Information circulated by Melbourne City Council to local residents about the proposed stormwater harvesting system to be built under Darling Street. Includes draft plans.
- 2265 reads
James Bolton Leslie
Obituary for James Bolton Leslie, former managing director of Mobil Oil Australia, director of Qantas, chancellor of Deakin University, life governor of the National Gallery of Victoria and the Art Gallery of NSW. Also an accomplished equestrian. A resident of East Melbourne.
Also Order of Service for funeral held at Holy Trinity, East Melbourne
- 3456 reads
A Plan for all Seasons
Newspaper article about Clement Hodgkinson and his work in Victoria, including his part in the creation of the Fitzroy and Treasury. He lived at 157 Hotham Street. Photos.
- 2457 reads
Many thanks, Governor
Newspaper article about Charles Joseph La Trobe and his importance in the development of Melbourne. Photos of his cottage originally erected at Jolimont but since moved to a site near the Royal Botanic Gardens.
- 2382 reads
A way with the fairies
Newspaper article about sculptor, Ola Cohn's creation of the Fairies Tree in the Fitzroy Gardens. Photos.
- 2481 reads
Reflections on City's Other Life
Newspaper clipping about Nicole Themistes and her debut book, 'Spectacle City: An Allegory', a satire exploring the real nature of Melbourne. The author is a resident of East Melbourne.
- 2298 reads
Doctors in the house
Newspaper report of the purchase of 100 Wellington Parade by The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners for about $25 million. Previous owners were the Heine Brothers and more recently Melbourne Water. Also newspaper clipping about Melbourne Water's move out of 100 Wellington Parade in order to consolidate its four city offices into one. It moved into the building in 2002.
- 2177 reads
Market Report January - June 2012
Document gives sales and rental results in East Melbourne during a six month period, January-June 2012
- 2258 reads
Holy Trinity East Melbourne - Parish Profile 2012
The contents include: History of Parish; Parish Boundaries; Relationship with Diocese; Demographics of the Area; Local and Community Organisations; Holy Trinity today - Worship, Property, Outreach, Activities, Governance.
- 2518 reads
The Organ at Holy Trinity
The History of the organ at Holy Trinity. It was originally built for a private owner, Henry Boom of 'Yarradale', Hawthorn. Possibly Boom constructed the organ himself with the help of neighbours, Alfred Fuller and Fred Taylor.
2 versions: (1) A4 typescript (2) A5 flyer on blue paper.
- 2465 reads
Bishop Ian George AO
Profile of Bishop Ian George AO, locum-tenens at Holy Trinity, taken from Holy Trinity website.
Accompanied by sermon delivered at Holy Trinity on Easter Day 8 April 2012.
- 3297 reads
Concerts at Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity hosts occasional fund raising concerts. The file contains some notes on recent concerts and performers.
- 2617 reads