East Melbourne Group - Social 1998
Collection of material relating to social functions: flyers, quotes, attendees, photo of Suzy Norton at Hilton in 2011.
Part of a collection of miscellaneous correspondence and documents circulated among committee members of the East Melbourne Group in the years 1997-98.
- 2085 reads
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 352, 354, 356, 358 - Burchett
1855. MCC BR: Linacre and Williams for selves, 2 houses. Site is on corner of Clarendon St.
1856. Names mentioned: R.S. Petrie and Major Danberghy.
1857. MCC BR: Abraham Linacre for self 2 houses.
1857. Names mentioned: Mrs. Barr and Mr. Burton.
1858. Names mentioned: Miss Draper, Jas. Bell, J.H. Wood, Dr. Brewer. 4 brick houses.
- 3709 reads
Fitzroy Gardens & Melbourne from the site of Cliveden - 1885
Scan of a painting of Fitzroy Gardens and Melbourne by Charles Norton in 1885 as viewed from the site of Cliveden Mansions. The painting is in watercolour and gouache.
- 3357 reads
Front garden of Gwyllehurst, Lot 4 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne - 1859
Painting of the front garden of Gwyllehurst, residence of John Gill, Wellington Parade, East Melbourne done in 1859 by Charles Norton.
- 3461 reads
Gwyllehurst, Lot 4 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne - 1860
Photograph of Gwyllehurst, residence of John Gill, apparently taken 1860.
[There is an address written at the bottom of the original image held by the State Library of Victoria. It is incorrect. (It was in fact the address of the photographer Charles Norton).]
- 3531 reads