124 Jolimont Road - sale
Report of the sale of property at 124 Jolimont Road, Jolimont, known as Dyason House, headquarters of the Australian Institute of International Affairs. Sale price was $5.7m. The property is a few doors from Eblana, 140 Jolimont Road, which also recently sold for $6.45m.
Note: the image has been reformatted for clarity.
- 1312 reads
140 Jolimont Road for sale
Newspaper clipping reporting on the sale of the house at 140 Jolimont Road. The house was built by Thomas Jackson of Young and Jackson's. Article also gives a brief outline of the history of Jolimont.
[This item has been extracted from a longer article and reformatted]
- 1181 reads
Jolimont, Jolimont Road 140. Title document
Original Certificate of Title Vol 1386, Fol 277076 printed on vellum.
- 696 reads