Lilla Brockebank, cricketer and architect, was the fifth of the six daughters of Duncan Brockelbank, actuary and accountant, and his wife Bessy Jemima, née Westmore .[1] Lilla was born in Hackney, London in 1883.[2] The family left London for Australia in August 1885 aboard the Melbourne. A month into the journey Duncan died of consumption.[3]
- 2433 reads
Cricket in Long Skirts: Women's Cricket 1905-1916
A history of the first eleven years of women's cricket as an organised competition. The Victorian Ladies' Cricket Association was formed in 1905. This ceased to function after the 1915-16 season largely due to the war and the need for women to expend their energies elsewhere. A new association was formed in 1924 - The Victorian Women's Cricket Association.
- 4772 reads
East Melbourne, Berry Street 042, 044, 046, 048 - Burchett
1885: nos. 42-46 built by W. Eates and Son for C Allee - owner. Architect - W. Pitt.
1888: occupied by C.J. Allee, F. McLean, W. Hughes
1888: no. 48 built, designed by W. Pitt - architect
- 2857 reads
East Melbourne, George Street 088, 090 - Burchett
1875. MCC BR: Chas Butler for Roberts, two 2-storey houses.
1875. Another notation on card: Probably built by Robert James Roberts, who had previously lived on site.
1876. Roberts - owner. Vacant. (Entry for second property: Vacant).
1877. Notation: Chas Butler in 1877 built Canterbury Terrace. He was a prominent builder of the day.
- 2759 reads
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1087, 1089 - Burchett
1887c this was known as "Allenbank".
1898 - 1906 operated as a private hospital.
1870-1906 Names mentioned: Kerr Robert, Hynam Edward, Reid Peter, Hughes George, Garlick L (Lucy ?), Langford John, Patterson G W.
1908-1950 Names mentioned: Turnbull E, Turnbull W R.
1950c - 1970c Cascia Court Girls Hostel, Boyle family.
- 3985 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 071, 073, 079 - Burchett
1883. MCC BR: Murray and Hill to build 3 cottages, corner Simpson Street.
1885. Thomas Murray - owner. Occupiers: No.71 O'Neil. No.73 Hughes. No.75 (this should possibly be No.79? Refer index card.)
1886-95c. Herr Louis Pabst, music teacher, lived at No.71. Organiser of Risvegliato concerts.
- 3020 reads
Jolimont, Jolimont Street 086, 088 - Burchett
1864. MCC BR: John Holmes to build for John Sinclair a cottage.
1866. John Sinclair - owner/occupier.
1867. MCC BR: David Hughes to build house for Mr. Sinclair.
1870. John Sinclair - owner/occupier, brick 4 rooms. J. Fraser - occupier, brick 7 rooms.
- 2809 reads
Jolimont, Jolimont Street, 88,86
The house appears as a wide 2-storey rendered house with gently hipped slate roof and bearing a modern verandah.
Although this building appears as a single house it started out as two small cottages. On 30 November 1864 John Sinclair notified the Council that John Holmes would build him a cottage. The Rate Books subsequently listed the cottage as having four rooms.
The Early Days of Women's Cricket
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