East Melbourne, Albert Street 204, 206, 208 - Burchett
Built in 1859 three 2 storey houses for W.G.Spriggs - owner. Built by Robert Huckson.
1861 owned by W.G. Sprigg, occupied by:
204 - A. Schulkraft
206 - F. Cook
208 - Richard Wade
1868-1881 204 was occupied by William Sprigg
1979 became Clarendon Medical Centre
- 4069 reads
East Melbourne, Albert Street 472, 476
A pair of houses of classical design with a covered carriageway between.
This pair of houses, together known as Fairmount, were built in 1874 for James Garton, livery stables proprietor, by Robert Huckson to the design of architect George Browne.
East Melbourne, Albert Street 486 - Burchett
Built 1858 by Robert Huckson for the Trustees of the Baptist Church. Architect - Thos Watts. Classified by the National Trust of Victoria - see index card for citation.
- 2924 reads
East Melbourne, Clarendon Street 208, 210, 212 - Burchett
Classified by the National Trust - see index card for citation.
Built 1856 by Robert Huckson for Charles Lister.
Names mentioned:
Frances Wallen, William Pole, M.B. Jackson, G.C. Levey, Louis Ah Mouy, Kong Meng, L. Collins, Chas. Russell, H. Marks, Moses Fink, John Wilton, Richard Goodhind, Henry B. Wilson, L.J. Godfrey, E.A. Spowers, Osgood, Pritchard
- 3873 reads
East Melbourne, Clarendon Street 208, 210, 212, Clarendon Terrace
A terrace of three two storey houses designed to look like one house. The central house has an unusual portico of giant order Corinthian columns. An interesting comparison is Clarendon House, Nile, near Launceston, Tasmania, built in 1838 for James Cox, which also has a portico of giant order columns, although Ionic in that case.
Clarendon Terrace was built in 1857 by Robert Huckson, to the design of Osgood Pritchard for Charles Lister, wine and spirit merchant and brewer. Additions were made in 1874 by James Billings for Henry Marks.
East Melbourne, George Street 021, 023, 025 - Burchett
Known as 'Georgian Court', formerly as 'Vincent Terrace'.
M.C.C. B.R. 1870. Robert Huckson to build 3 houses for Mr. Farrell. Plans by D. Goldie of Little Collins Street. 1871 3 vacant brick houses, each 10 rooms, owner Hugh O'Farrell.
- 2975 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 157 - Burchett
1860. MCC BR: Robert Huckson for Clement Hodgkinson a house. Designed by J. Reed, of Reed and Barnes, 9 Elizabeth Street. Bluestone house popularly known as 'the Gothic House'.
1862. Clement Hodgkinson - owner/occupier.
Classified by National Trust. See index cards for further details. Mr. Teal present owner (early 1970's)
- 3242 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 046 - Burchett
1859. MCC BR: R. Huckson and Co. for J. Walker a cottage, corner George Street.
1860. MCC BR: R. Huckson for J. Walker extensions.
1861. Josh Walker - owner/occupier. Brick, 4 rooms and kitchen.
- 2646 reads
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 528, 530, 532, 534, 536 - Burchett
Corner Simpson Street.
1862. MCC BR: Davidson for Trustees Primitive Wesleyan Church. Notice was signed by Robert Huckson, builder. Comment on the index card that he possibly mixed the sects. Card states it was the Congregational Church.
1937c. Taken over by the Syrian Orthodox Church.
Note: Index card is headed as Nos.528-537. No.537 is questioned.
- 2753 reads