Berman Margaret and abortion
Newspaper clippings and obituary about Margaret (Peggy) Berman's role in the abortion issue which resulted in legalisation of abortion. She worked as receptionist at a clinic in East Melbourne. Photos. November to December 2002.
- 6711 reads
East Melbourne, Hoddle Street 1087, 1089 - Burchett
1887c this was known as "Allenbank".
1898 - 1906 operated as a private hospital.
1870-1906 Names mentioned: Kerr Robert, Hynam Edward, Reid Peter, Hughes George, Garlick L (Lucy ?), Langford John, Patterson G W.
1908-1950 Names mentioned: Turnbull E, Turnbull W R.
1950c - 1970c Cascia Court Girls Hostel, Boyle family.
- 3985 reads
The man who saved women
Article featuring Dr. Bertram Wainer, the leading abortion law reformer, who founded the Fertility Clinic in Wellington Parade. The article also refers to Dr. Jim Troup, a doctor conducting illegal abortions at his rooms in Hoddle Street while paying the police protection money, and his receptionist Peggy Berman, who blew the whistle.
- 3746 reads
Why Isn't She Dead!
Autobiography of Peggy Berman and in particular her pivotal role in the Public Inquiry into police abortion graft. She worked for Dr James Troup whose practice was at 1087 Hoddle Street and lived for a time at 11 George Street, across a lane from the practice.
- 2323 reads