A Tale of Two Sisters
Ball and Welch was once one of Melbourne’s landmark department stores, along with others such as Buckley and Nunn. History tells us that the store was founded by Charles Ball and his nephew, William Henry Welch. But perhaps there is more to the story. It is likely that their wives had more than a little to do with the store’s establishment.
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East Melbourne, George Street 094 - Burchett
1870. MCC BR: Thos. Dominic Carre, to build for self. 1871. Record of Thos. Domer Carre, owner/occupier, 3-room wooden cottage. 1872. Directory lists: Dominique Carre - resident. Later listed as Thos. Domecarre, woodcarver 1872-77. Note: This weatherboard cottage was lived in by Mr. Ovenden for 50 years, from 1920.
- 2667 reads
Jolimont, Agnes Street 013, 015
A pair of 2 storey tuck pointed polychromatic brick terraces with single storey concave verandah supported by a timber frieze with cast iron panels. The yellow bricks have been used to form quoins to the first floor and an elegant corbelled parapet. Six pane sashes are used to first floor windows.
The houses were built for Jabez Bryant, who in 1864 was an employee outfitter. Shortly after, he attempted to set up his own business but was brought before the insolvency court in 1867, and discharged in 1869. Yet he was able to build these two fine houses only four years later. He owned them until 1886 when Henry Martin bought them. Bryant lived in No. 15 from about 1881 until 1886.
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 101, Redcourt
Photo of large red brick house in the Queen Anne style, with terracotta roof and pebble dash panels.
The house was built in 1902 for Mrs Tabitha Ball, one of the founders of Ball and Welch, department store.
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Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 101, Redcourt
This is a large tuck-pointed red brick dwelling in the Queen Anne style with terracotta tile roof, pebble dash panels and timber strapwork to the eaves. [i-Heritage Database]
As is well known Jolimont was once the home of lieutenant-governor Charles Joseph Latrobe, purchased by him in 1839. When he returned to England in 1854 he left his friend, Dr James Palmer, in charge of subdividing and selling his land. Palmer kept for himself the central part of the property, which became known as Jolimont Square. On it he built five large, two-storey, timber
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 117 - Burchett
1869. MCC BR: Anton Schultz to build dwelling house for the Misses Vernon. Site named as Jolimont Square.
1870. Mrs. (John) Vernon - owner/occupier. Brick, 3 floors and 12 rooms.
1900. Mrs. F. Ball - occupier.
- 2814 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 117, Mornington
Large 3-storey house built of polychrome brick
As is well known Jolimont was once the home of lieutenant-governor Charles Joseph Latrobe, purchased by him in 1839. When he returned to England in 1854 he left his friend, Dr James Palmer, in charge of subdividing and selling his land. Palmer kept for himself the central part of the property, which became known as Jolimont Square. On it he built five large, two-storey, timber
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South jolsq - Burchett
Various buildings are involved in Jolimont Square. The following entries refer to some of these.
1857. MCC Building Advice: To build the foundations of some houses for the Hon. J.F. Palmer (signed: James Bonham).
1863. Henry Langlands, pioneer, ironfounder and politician died here (at No.1). Widow lived on - see A.D.B. Vol.2.
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