St. Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne: a guide
A guide to St. Patrick's Cathedral. Covers its history, architecture, furniture and fittings, the architect (William Wardell) and Music. Extensively illustrated.
- 2960 reads
St. Patrick's Cathedral: a life
Contains booklet 'The Centenary of St. Patrick's Cathedral', and order of services for the Mass for the Dedication of the Altar of st. Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne, Monday, 27thOctober, 1997 at 7.30 pm. Also historical information handed out on occasion of East Melbourne Historical Society's visit, 19 Feb 2003.
- 2848 reads
St. Patrick's Cathedral: a life
A history of St. Patrick's Cathedral, its building, objects, clergy, congregation, liturgy, and recent renovation. Many colour photos. Index of principal names and places.
- 3245 reads
The Beautiful Hill: an Anthology of Writing from East Melbourne
A collection of short essays and poems written by local identities. Their memories and stories cover a wide variety of subjects relating to East Melbourne.
- 5377 reads
The Chapel
Brochure and newspaper advertisement for sale of The Chapel in Jolimont Square. Photo.
- 2889 reads
The Consecration of St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, 1897
This booklet is a reproduction of the 1898 orginal commemorative booklet published to record the consecration of St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, on Sunday 31 October 1897, and the events that surrounded the occasion.
- 581 reads
The Former Holy Trinity Church
Typescript article gives brief history of the first Holy Trinity Church in East Melbourne which was destroyed by fire, and its replacement by existing church. Accompanied by brief history of Holy Trinity Church Hall.
- 2865 reads
The Halfway House to Infidelity: A History of the Melbourne Unitarian Church 1853-1973
A history of the church, its buildings, clergy, congregation, doctrine. Photos. Index.
- 3747 reads
The Invention of Melbourne: A Baroque Archbishop and A Gothic Architect
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Old Treasury Building Museum 31 July 2019-March 2020. The exhibition 'celebrates the partnership of an ambitious archbishop and an architect of genius in the creation of some of the most celebrated and enduring buildings in Melbourne'.
- 2149 reads