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Cottage's 70th birthday
Newspaper articles written for the 70th and 75th anniversaries of the re-location of Cook's Cottage to Fitzroy Gardens. Give historical background and photos.
- 3034 reads
Cars ruin park
Newspaper article commenting on decision not to reduce car parking in Yarra Park. Reverse has article about the importance of bluestone to Melbourne's heritage and the Council's moves to protect it. Leader May 17, 2004.
- 2958 reads
Short newspaper article explaining origin of Lansdowne Street's name. Leader, 22 Feb. 2004. Also real estate flyer in form of quiz on origin of street names.
- 2940 reads
Plan for Mansion
Article about revised development plans for Mosspennoch site. Leader, 27 Sept. 2004.
- 2872 reads
Local History Forum exhibitions
Minutes of meetings of Yarra-Melbourne Local History Forum. Booklet produced from 'Rural Remnants' exhibition held 2002, includes extensive, historical article on 'Yarra Park and Fitzroy Gardens' by John Patrick, with photos. Also short history of Holy Trinity Church and Trinity Church Hall written to accompany photos displayed in 'Every Picture Tells a Story' exhibition of 2003.
- 2973 reads
Cottage Garden
Plan and description of the garden surrounding Cook's Cottage, and its plants.
- 3065 reads
Port Phillip Colonial 1801-1851
Book published on occasion of like named exhibition at State Library of Victoria. Covers early Government Buildings and surveys. Includes Lonsdale and his cottage, La Trobe and his cottage. Illustrations.
- 2903 reads
Victorian Heritage Register
Victorian Heritage Register lists all registered buildings and gives short statements of significance and photos for many.
- 2815 reads
Neighbour Character Study
City of Melbourne: Neighbourhood Character Study: East Melbourne and Jolimont. August 1996. City of Melbourne: Neighbourhood Character Study: Overview. 1996.
- 2965 reads
A Civic Life
Obituary for Richard Meldrum, architect, councillor and Lord Mayor, who died in 2004.
- 3261 reads
Down the Garden Path
Newspaper article about the conservatory in the Fitzroy Gardens especially as a tourist destination with Wilma Saunders as guide.
- 2992 reads
Clarendon Terrace and the Menzies Foundation
Pamphlet gives a brief history of the building and its restoration for use as the headquarters of The Menzies Foundation. Also gives a brief outline of the work of The Menzies Foundation. Before and after photos.
- 3106 reads
Clarendon Terrace
A collection of articles on Clarendon Terrace and the Menzies Foundation from a variety of sources.
- 2966 reads
City of Melbourne Parks
Four documents produced by the City of Melbourne relating to management of its parks and gardens. 1. Fitzroy and Treasury Gardens Master Plan Draft (1994). 2. Parks and Recreation Our Commitments1996 . 3. Parks Policy. 4. Growing Green Draft 2002.
- 3181 reads
Hoddle's paintings
Two newspaper articles about forthcoming sale of 25 watercolours and pencil drawings by Robert Hoddle. Hoddle drew the first plan for East Melbourne in 1837.
- 2819 reads
Queen Bess Auction
Real estate advertisement for Rubra, 72 Hotham Street, part of Queen Bess Row, inviting expressions of interest closing 12 Nov. 2004.
- 2975 reads
Open Garden Scheme
A leaflet produced on the occasion of the garden being open as part of Australia's Open Garden Scheme. Includes some history of the property.
- 2716 reads
East Melbourne Group News
July, 1992. May, November 1993. March, June, October 1994. (1995). March, October 1996. Community affairs. Planning matters refer to 74 Wellington Pde., Yarra Park School, 190A George St., Hilton Hotel, Cairns Memorial Church, Brewery, Post Office, 52 Berry St., cnr. Wellington Pde. and Simpson St., Peter McCallum Hospital, New Boundary Hotel, Cliveden Hill Private Hospital.
- 3283 reads
Bishopscourt garden
Collection of various reports, newspaper clippings and pamphlets about the restoration of the Bishopscourt garden and its opening as part of Australia's Open Garden Scheme. Also includes photocopy of article entitled 'James Blackburn and Bishopscourt' by Timothy Hubbard from Inherit 13/4/2002. .
- 3061 reads
Fight for Ola Cohn Centre
Letter from East Melbourne Group to its members seeking support against proposal by Council of Adult Education to change the terms of Ola Cohn's will. Asks members to write to the Attorney-General.
- 3028 reads
Postcards from the Raj
Newspaper clippings about the Johnston Collection. Includes articles on new book entitled Indian Painters - British Masters about the Company Paintings in the collection. Also articles about various exhibitions. Photos.
- 2927 reads
The Johnston collection
The Johnston Collection is a museum of decorative arts. This book is an elaborate guide to the collection. It covers the life of the collection's benefactor and its history, as well as describing many of the items on show. Many colour photos.
- 3167 reads
Apartment block fails
Newspaper clipping reporting on rejection by Heritage Victoria of proposal to build sixteen storey apartment block on Mosspennoch site. The Leader 18 Feb 2002.
- 3035 reads
Stylish house
Newspaper article about the forthcoming sale of 157 Gipps Street. Also cards adversing the property. Photos.
- 2887 reads
Eastern Hill
Newspaper article promoting a plan that would visually link the buildings on Eastern Hill and make it a more defined precinct, mentions the restoration of several buildings on Eastern Hill including St. Patrick's Cathedral, Old Treasury and Parliament House, also mentions the forthcoming development of Government land in Cathedral Place. The Age, 22 October, 1994.
- 3051 reads
Stop dragon your feet
Newspaper clipping about the dragon which is part of the children's play area in the Fitzroy Gardens.
- 2739 reads
Apartments for sale
Two cards. One advertises the private sale of 1203/166 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne, the other advertises the auction of Kingslea, 9/110 Albert Street, East Melbourne.
- 2848 reads
Residents push
Newspaper clipping about the push by local residents, led by Nerida Samson, to have East Melbourne placed on the Heritage Register. Cartoon. Melbourne Times, 13 October 2004.
- 2900 reads
Georgian Court
Advertising brochure for Georgian Court B & B. Gives facilities and tariffs. Photos.
- 2955 reads
Planning loophole
Newspaper clippings about a loophole in the new planning laws in the Melbourne 2030 policy which allows high rise buildings to be built in low rise areas.
- 2971 reads
The Story of Gulf Station, Yarra Glen
The story of Gulf Station founded by William and Agnes Bell. Their children, Mary and William (Bill), were boarders at PLC and Scotch in East Melbourne.
- 3316 reads
Joan Mercer's Death
Copies of Order of Service for funeral of Joan Mercer, includes photo. Eulogy given by Canon John Stewart on occasion of Joan Mercer's funeral. Death notices from The Age. Also includes transcript of oral history interview with Joan Mercer.
- 3060 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 044 - 1890c
Copies of two photographs of Chandos, with figures. Late 19th century. One photo is taken from the street and shows the central path and garden on each side. The other photo is taken from the south east corner and is a diagonal view towards the central porch.
- 3583 reads
File comprises report and information from Historic Buildings Council; correspondence with City of Melbourne regarding reinstatement of median strip in Hotham Street; article about Holm Park, Beaconsfield, which is a comparative example; permit dated 9/8/83; quotes and drawings for restoration. As donated.
- 2801 reads
File comprises architectural drawings; owner's description of work undertaken; brochures for auction scheduled for 18 October includes brief history; extract from Conservation Guide; Winston Burchett's notes on the property; permit for picket fence; advertising auction scheduled for 17 October 1981. As donated.
- 2827 reads
Push to add police site to Yarra parkland
Newspaper clipping about proposal by Melbourne City Council to demolish old police station and add the land to Yarra Park, along with former army barracks site on Swan Street, as compensation for land lost in re-development of MCG. Report that old police station to be used by Big Brothers Big Sisters.
- 2977 reads
Melbourne's enclave that rivals Sydney
Newspaper clipping about East Melbourne real estate. Mentions Amberley, 188 George Street, and 118 Gipps Street as highest sales. Photos. The Australian Financial Review, 14-16 November 2003.
- 2986 reads
Looking sharp
Newspaper clipping about Ron and Jenni Stone and the refurbishment of their house at 52 Berry Street, East Melbourne. Photos. The Age, 1 September 2004.
- 2894 reads
Eking out a living
Newspaper clipping about the hardships of life as an artist. The article centres on Paul Knight, a resident of East Melbourne. Photo. The Age, 12 November 2003.
- 2832 reads
Scaly beast
Newspaper clipping about installation of dragon in children's play area in Fitzroy Gardens.
- 2893 reads