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East Melbourne, Grey Street 049-051 - Burchett
Built 1861 by J Sanderson for self two 2 storey houses.
1862 occupied no. 49 - G Terry
no. 51 - Mrs Jackson
Originally terrace stretched also from 53 to 59 - latter demolished for block of flats.
- 2886 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 028 - Burchett
1854. MCC BR: C.J. Hardy a house for self, on the corner of George Street, opposite the large wooden house.
1855. Chas. Hardy. Brick house, 3 rooms, kitchen and stabling.
1858. Thos. Colliver. Brick and stone, 5 rooms.
1868 - 1870's. Robt. Ramsey - owner as an investment for some years.
Modern facade added at some stage.
- 2717 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 051, 053, 055, 057 - Burchett
1886. MCC BR: John Thorpe (66 Neill Street, Carlton) to erect 4 brick houses for Mr. B. Lee. Mr. Ravenscroft - architect (see 'Elizabeth Terrace' 59-65 Simpson Street).
1887. Names mentioned (from George Street end): 1. Mrs. T. Archer, 2. 3. 4. vacant.
1888. 1. William Maher. 2. James Turner. 3. A. Roeser. 4. vacant.
1900. No.53 Norman Lindsay.
- 2814 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 029 - Burchett
1878. MCC Building Advice: David Blair - owner and builder - to build 2-storey house on corner George Street. Originally named by Blair 'Kilburn'. David Blair was sawmiller of Echuca and owned the paddle steamer 'Adelaide'. Sold in 1881 to Murray River Sawmills. Used in Red Gum Trade, now classified by National Trust and preserved at Echuca. Was built in Echuca 1866.
- 4673 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 046 - Burchett
1859. MCC BR: R. Huckson and Co. for J. Walker a cottage, corner George Street.
1860. MCC BR: R. Huckson for J. Walker extensions.
1861. Josh Walker - owner/occupier. Brick, 4 rooms and kitchen.
- 2653 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 052, 054, 056 - Burchett
1859. MCC BR: Scott and Wilson to build for self 3 brick cottages.
1860. Occupants listed: Bishop, Fitt, Hordred.
1861. Robt. G. Wilson owner of 3 brick cottages, each 4 rooms and kitchen.
1875. Terrace listed in Directory as 'Holyrood Villas'.
1940. Nos. 54 and 56 were demolished and replaced by flats.
1978. Names mentioned: Betty and Keith Mathies.
- 3022 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 059, 061, 063, 065 - Burchett
'Elizabeth Terrace' believed to be named after Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Lee, ironmonger of 177-9 Bourke Street (John McEwan).
1873. MCC BR: Thomas Dalby (149 Argyle Street, Fitzroy) to build 4 single storey cottages for Mr. Benjamin Lee. Architect - G.D. Langridge.
- 2778 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 074 - Burchett
Originally No. 22.
1860. MCC BR: John Hill for Whitelaw a house.
1861. Robert E. Whitelaw - owner/occupier.
1870. R. Whitelaw. Brick, 6 rooms.
- 2421 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 076 - Burchett
1861. MCC BR: Geo. Waterstrom (possibly Walerstrom?) for self 2-room and kitchen, brick cottage.
1870. G. Waterstrom - owner. B. Baker - occupier. Brick, 5 rooms.
- 2513 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 056,058,060 - Burchett
1886 Thos Sanderson built 2 two storey houses for self. 1887 third two storey house added. No. 60 was occupied c 1910 -1912 by James Menzies, father of Sir Robert Menzies.
- 2767 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 061 - Burchett
1886 Murray and Hill built 2 cottages for selves. Peter Hill was the owner/ occupier of Number 61. Later occupied 1889 by Lady Hastings.
- 2978 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 078 - Burchett
1859. MCC BR: Robert Jas. Sperring house for self, corner Hotham Street.
1861. Directory note: Stone construction, 4 rooms.
1862. MCC BR: Sperring for self, kitchen.
1864. MCC BR: Josiah Messeter for Robert James Sperring, verandah.
1864. Mr. Sperring - owner. Thos. Luke - occupier. Stone and brick, 9 rooms.
- 2688 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 089, 091 - Burchett
Originally Nos. 6 and 8.
1854. Land involved was bought by Johnston at Government Land Sale. Prior to building Johnston appears to have had large garden in the area.
1869. MCC BR: G.K. Johnston for self, 2 cottages.
1870. G.K. Johnston - owner. Each of brick, 5 rooms. Vacant.
1872-80c. No.89. Herman Vestris - occupier.
- 2712 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 093, 095a - Burchett
Cottages located at top of lane between No.91 and No.95 Simpson Street.
Originally numbered as 10 - now No.93 and 10 1/2 - now No.95a. First mentioned in Directory in 1881.
1854. MCC BR: Lawrence Hanlon to build for self 2 brick and stone cottages, fronting Simpson Street.
1855. Names mentioned: Lawrence Hanlon and James Larking, each a brick cottage, 2 rooms.
- 2971 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 096 - Burchett
1907. MCC BR: For either Hubert Patrick or Thomas Vincent Cooney. Vanheems - architect. K. Bellion - builder. 2 applications lodged together.
Note: See also No.100.
- 2536 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 099, 101 - Burchett
1858. MCC BR: Thomas Geddes for self 2 houses.
1859. Names mentioned: Geddes and Lewis. Each of brick and 5 rooms.
1861. Names mentioned: Geddes - owner. Thos? Edwards and J. McKenzie.
- 2659 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 100 - Burchett
1907. MCC BR: K. Bellion - builder, for either Hubert Patrick or Thomas Vincent Cooney. Vanheems - architect.
Note: See also No.96 Simpson Street.
- 2516 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 105, 107, 109, 111, 113 - Burchett
Corner Gipps Street.
1914. MCC Building Advice: R. McDonald to build for Dietrich Martin five 2-storey brick dwellings. Billing, Peck and Kempter - architects.
- 2943 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 121 - Burchett
1870. MCC BR: F. Price for H.T. Thornton a house, corner Gipps Street.
1872. Henry T. Thornton - owner/occupier. Brick, 6 rooms.
1888c-1936c. W.J. Crook, architect and family - occupiers.
1902. MCC BR: W.J. Crook for self additional storey.
- 2521 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 132, 134, 136, 138 - Burchett
1874. MCC BR: Robert Richardson for self 2 houses.
1874. MCC BR: Robert Richardson for self 1 house.
1875. Robert Richardson - owner. First occupiers: No.132 Jos. Ainsine. No.136 Jos. Comfort. No.138 J.H. Harman.
- 2748 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 140, 142, 144, 146 - Burchett
1870. MCC BR: Alfred Besant to build four 5-room houses with bathrooms, for Mr. William Robert Stacey.
1872. Names mentioned: Waller? West, Mrs. Williams, Willoughby Bean, John Purse.
- 3006 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 141 - Burchett
1872. MCC BR: Joseph Hewitt to build 4-room cottage for Mr. Jack.
1874. Wm. L. Jack - owner. J.C. Robertson - occupier. Brick, 4 rooms.
1890. 7 rooms noted.
- 2619 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 167, 169 - Burchett
1871. MCC BR: Waller Fortune, two for P. Costello.
1872. Costelloe - owner. Both vacant. Each 4 rooms.
1874. Paul F. Costelloe - owner. Occupiers: No.167 Costelloe. No.169 Jas. Battenbury.
- 2628 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 143 - Burchett
1880? Rate Book entries: L. Suhard, vacant land and L. Suhard, brick and wood house, 6 rooms.
1892. MCC BR: Christopher Fry to build 2-storey house for Mrs. Suhard.
1895. Edward Ivers - owner/occupier. Brick, 8 rooms.
- 2470 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 171, 173 - Burchett
1870. MCC BR: James Harper for John Armstrong 2 cottages.
1872. John Armstrong - owner. Occupiers: No.171 Amos Bigland. No.173 James Barton.
1874. Each of brick, 4 rooms.
- 2709 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 004, 006 - Burchett
1904. MCC Buiding Advice: H. Pearson, builders, 2 villas for Mrs. Fewster and Mrs. M. Bloomfield. W.A.M. Blackett - architect. Corner Punt Road.
1905-12. Names mentioned: Arthur H. Fewster. Ernest Brandt.
- 2685 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 177, 179 - Burchett
1871. MCC BR: Donald Ross for self. Two of 5 rooms.
1872. No.179 Donald Ross - owner/occupier. No.177 - vacant. Each of brick, 4 rooms.
1874. No.177 Frank Colwards. No.179 Donald Ross.
- 2578 reads
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 181, 183 - Burchett
1871. MCC BR: Abraham Preest for Watkins 2 houses.
1872. Thos. Watkins - owner/occupier No.181. No.183 Pollard. Each of brick, 3 rooms.
1874. No.183 Anderson - occupier.
- 2729 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 008, 010 - Burchett
1903. MCC BR: W.H. Smith for C. Costello 3 cottages (this should probably be 2).
1905. Christopher Costelloe - owner of 2 brick houses, each 6 rooms. Occupiers: No.10 Frank R. Paul. No.12 Chas Cook.
- 2617 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 014, 016, 018, 020 - Burchett
1904. MCC BR: J. Hollow for J.F. Patterson 4 houses.
1906. First occupiers: No.14 Herbert Hardy. No.16 Brinley Evans. No.18 Mrs. A.F. Haydon. No.20 Chas. A. Parsons.
[In the photograph the subject houses are the middle four from right to left. The far right house is number 12 (not covered by Burchett) and the far left house is number 22.]
- 2695 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 026, 028 - Burchett
1893. MCC Building Advice: R.J. Wilson, builder, for Henry F. Ransford. 2 brick dwellings. Corner Berry Street.
1911-19. Name mentioned: Henry F. Ransford.
Note: Vernon Ransford, Test Cricketer and Committee Member, Secretary of the MCC from 1939, lived here for some years. He was son of Henry - the original owner.
Note: Photo shows No.26 on right.
- 2770 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 024 - Burchett
1891. MCC Building Notice: Timmins and Moles, builders, 2-storey house for George A. Gibbs.
1892. G.A. Gibbs - owner/occupier.
1900. Eliza Welch - owner. Robt. Francis Howe - occupier. Brick, 9 rooms.
1973. Purchased by Hon. Billy Sneddon.
1974. Sold to Jeff Cousins.
- 2841 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 068 - Burchett
1891. MCC Building Notice: J.G. Kaiser, builder - Park Street, Glenferrie, to build for Mr. Stanford. J.A.B. Koch - architect.
1892. J. Stanford - owner/occupier. Brick, 12 rooms. Mr. John Stanford, auctioneer with 'Powers Rutherford' (originally called 'Minerva'), had beautiful garden and conservatory.
1900. John Charles Stanford - owner/occupier.
- 3067 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 076 - Burchett
1887-1913. Mrs. Catherine Maynard - owner/occupier. Brick, 9 rooms.
1913-1930. Names mentioned: Harold E. Maynard and Miss. E. Maynard.
1974. Part of Berry Street Foundlings Home.
- 2740 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 080 - Burchett
1895. MCC Building Notice: J. Storie, builder, a house for Mrs. Newing.
1896-1906c. Name mentioned: Edward H. Newing. (In 1890 lived in tiny cottage at 125b George Street).
1900. Rate Book mentions: Brick, 9 rooms.
Note: Subsequently replaced by flats.
- 2514 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 082 - Burchett
1914c. Maisonettes. Names mentioned: Robt. A. Lowery, Southwell Conltas (Consultants?), Miss F. Wayne, Sister H. Anthoness - Central Mission.
- 2485 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 090 - Burchett
1914. MCC Building Advice: T. Rispin to build for George B. Hicks, 2-storey brick dwelling. Evans and Wright - architects.
1916. Name mentioned in Directory: Frederick J. Andrew.
- 3075 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 092, 094, 096 - Burchett
1883. MCC BR: Murray and Hill, builders and joiners of Victoria Parade, for Peter Hill 2-storey house.
1885. MCC BR: Peter Hill for self two 2-storey houses.
1885. Name mentioned: Peter Hill. Brick, 6 rooms.
1887. First Rate Book entries: Peter Hill - owner. Each of brick, 8 rooms. Occupiers: No.92 P. Hill. No.94 Thos Kidd. No.96 Mrs. Jones.
- 2761 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 110 - Burchett
1889. MCC BR: G. Knipe of 11 Darling Street, for self a house. J.W. Lockwood - architect.
1890. Name mentioned: Geo. Knipe.
1891. Geo. Knipe - owner. Brick, 10 rooms. W. Maher - occupier.
1900. Geo. Knipe - owner. Lockhart - occupier.
1979. Sold by auction.
Note: Reference to Knipe. See ADB V.5, p.37-8.
- 2678 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 112, 114, 116 - Burchett
1883. MCC BR: No.114. Wm. Scobie for Mrs. G.A. Grant. Norman Hitchcock - architect.
1883. MCC BR: No.116. G.A. Grant for self. Norman Hitchcock - architect.
1884. No.114. First Rate Book entry: George Alexander Grant - owner/occupier. Brick, 6 rooms and stable.
- 3142 reads
East Melbourne, Vale Street 124 - Burchett
1886. MCC BR: W.W. Seddington, of Russell Street, Collingwood, to build dwellings and out-buildings for W. McLean, Esq. Twentyman and Askew - architects.
1887-8. W. McLean - owner/occupier. 20 rooms. Occupied till 1895c.
Later C. of E. Private Hospital - St. Ives.
1970's. Nurses Home - St. Ives, for Alfred Hospital.
- 2941 reads