Bishopscourt Melbourne - Official Residence and Family Home
A social history of Bishopscourt Melbourne. It starts with the arrival of Bishop Perry and his choosing of the site for Melbourne's episcopal residence and works through the trials and tribulations that he and his wife experienced in the establishment of a house and a tradition that had to serve both their public and private lives.
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East Melbourne, Bishopscourt, Open garden days 2002, 2003, 2006
Newspaper clippings and pamphlets about open garden day and other visits at Bishopscourt on 12 October 2002, 29-30 Nov. 2003 and 26 April 2006. Photos.
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East Melbourne, Grey Street 151, Lansdowne Villa
A single storey, double fronted villa, with an arcaded verandah along the length of its front facade.
When Henry Hall died in 1875 he left the house, known then as Lansdowne Villa, and its contents to his youngest sister, Clara Ellen. Clara was the widow of architect, Charles Swyer and she renamed the house Worsley after the place in England where he had died.
East Melbourne, Grey Street 151, Worsley
Photograph of Worsley, 151 Grey Street (2 Grey Street pre-1890), now the site of the Mercy Private Hospital. Photo shows a symmetrical, single storey, double fronted house, with arcaded verandah. The house was built c. 1867 for Henry Hall, chemist. Architects: Austin & Ellis. Builders: Leech & Bricknell.
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The Zoological Gardens 1858
The proposed plan for the Zoological Gardens which was to be established in the southern-most part of the Richmond Paddock, now roughly the site of AAMI park.
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