East Melbourne, Powlett Street 175, Craigielea
A substantial two storey terraced dwelling with two storey cast iron verandah executed in ruled render with mouldings to parapet and party walls
Built for Henry John Bunney and completed in 1871. An early photo gives the date 1871 in the cartouche above the parapet. This has since been replaced with one that gives no date and was perhaps done in order to make the house seem less old. Bunney and family remained in the house until c.1884. Bunney called the house Wharlton House.
East Melbourne, Powlett Street 175- Burchett
1870. MCC BR: Downie and Sturgess to build house for Mr. Bunny.
1871. Henry J. Bunney, owner/occupier. Brick, 8 rooms.
1872-84. Name mentioned: Henry J. Bunney.
1903. MCC BR: T.G. Redmond of 32 Derby Street, Collingwood, applied to build a 'motor car house' for Mr. Darby.
1903. Resident: Mr. S.W.A. Darby.
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