118 Gipps Street, East Melbourne. Electoral Roll of 1913
1 x A4 pages of typed notes being the names of residents living at 118 Gipps Street, East Melbourne extracted from Electoral Rolls of 1913.
- 2862 reads
East Melbourne, Gipps Street 118, Crathre House
A large two storey cement rendered house in the Italianate style.
Pre-history: Before Crathre House was built there was another house on the site - a large wooden house known as The Bungalow. This house was owned by Henry Dyer as an investment property. He lived next door at 121 Powlett Street with his wife, Mary, and their children. He owned many other properties in the immediate vicinity.
For King and Country - Jessie McHardy White - Exhibition Panel
Illustrated panel prepared by volunteers from the East Melbourne Historical Society as part of an exhibition,For King and Country, commemorating the centenary of the commencement of the First World War. It is one of 16 panels, each of which provides a life story, with relevant images, of men and women who served in the war and who had connection with East Melbourne or Jolimont.
- 2799 reads
Gone to War as Sister: Great War Nurses and their East Melbourne Links
One of 16 illustrated panels prepared by Janet Scarfe volunteers from the East Melbourne Historical Society as part of an exhibition, Gone to War as Sister, commemorating the lives and work of the many women who served as nurses in the First World War and had connection with East Melbourne or Jolimont.
- 2706 reads
Gone to War as Sister: Sisters and Brothers at the Front
One of 16 illustrated panels prepared by Janet Scarfe and volunteers from the East Melbourne Historical Society as part of an exhibition, Gone to War as Sister, commemorating the lives and work of the many women who served as nurses in the First World War and had connection with East Melbourne or Jolimont.
- 2950 reads
Gone to War as Sister: The Cost to Nurses' Health
One of 16 illustrated panels prepared by Janet Scarfe and volunteers from the East Melbourne Historical Society as part of an exhibition, Gone to War as Sister, commemorating the lives and work of the many women who served as nurses in the First World War and had connection with East Melbourne or Jolimont.
- 2663 reads