East Melbourne, Simpson Street 029 - Burchett
1878. MCC Building Advice: David Blair - owner and builder - to build 2-storey house on corner George Street. Originally named by Blair 'Kilburn'. David Blair was sawmiller of Echuca and owned the paddle steamer 'Adelaide'. Sold in 1881 to Murray River Sawmills. Used in Red Gum Trade, now classified by National Trust and preserved at Echuca. Was built in Echuca 1866.
- 4652 reads
Jolimont, Jolimont Terrace 002 - Burchett
1870. Names mentioned: J. Sharp - owner, 8 rooms and grounds. Mrs. Sharp - occupier.
1870c-1901. Name mentioned: John Sharp - Timber merchant.
1877. MCC BR: John Sharp to build on his allotment. Architect: Jas. Gall, Princes Chambers, Swanston Street.
1878. John Sharp - owner/occupier, 14 rooms.
1902-8. Name mentioned: Mrs.Argus Sharp.
- 3076 reads
Jolimont, Jolimont Road 136, Yewsley
A symmetrical double fronted single storey house with centrally placed steps leading to a verandah at the front.
The house was completed in 1870 for owners Edward Thomas Slack and his wife Rosetta. Thomas was superintendent of mail services at the GPO. He died in 1907 and the house passed to Rosetta. She died in 1921. At this time the inventory of her assets described the house as 'a very old house of nine rooms three of which are of brick and six of wood'.
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 081- Burchett
Originally No.13 and street was called Jolimont Place. Site next to Sharp, on corner of Jolimont Terrace.
1877. MCC BR: Wm. Ireland to build 2-storey house for Mr. Mixner.
1878. James Mixner - owner/occupier. Brick, 6 rooms.
1880c. Name mentioned: J.F. Mixner of Mixner and Campbell, Lime merchants of 47 Williams Street.
1970's. Restored and occupied by Telecom.
- 3203 reads
Jolimont, Wellington Parade South 141, 143, 145 - Burchett
Originally No.141.
1862. MCC BR: J. Holmes for self a cottage.
1864. Directory lists: J. Holmes, in Jolimont Place.
1866. J. Holmes - owner, 6 rooms. John Sharp - occupier.
1870. J. Holmes - owner, 6 rooms. Thos. McIlwraith - occupier.
- 2614 reads