East Melbourne, Hotham Street 092, 094, 096 - Burchett
1881. David Mitchell to build three 3-storey residences for Hon. W.J. Clarke (later 'Sir'), who named 'Janet Terrace' after his second wife. Architect: Charles Webb.
1885. W.J. Clarke - owner 3 houses. Occupiers: No.92 J. Hardy. No.94 O. Bichner. No.96 F.A. Hare - Police Magistrate - see index card for more details. He occupied for about 8 years.
- 3002 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 092, 094, 096, Janet Terrace
A three-storeyed, parapeted row house trio, with a two-level verandah and cement facing. The parapet is balustraded and piered, with urns stop and the central entablature is basket-arched on the flanking house and fully arched on the centre house. A coat of arms is placed on this central entablature (94 Hotham Street).
On 15 March 1881 Charles Webb, architect, advertised for tenders to erect three two-storey houses in Hotham Street.
East Melbourne, Punt Road 1035, 1037, 1039
Three terrace houses built in a stepped arrangement to accomodate the steep slope of the site.
The first house on this allotment was a remnant of the old Mounted Police Barracks. It and the hospital, which became the Berry Street Babies’ Home, were the only two buildings to remain after all the others were cleared in preparation for the subdivision and sale of the site in 1881.