Welfare Institutions
Berry Street 140 Years: Restoring Trust and Hope
A history of Berry Street, formerly Berry Street Babies Home. Numerous photos, mostly unidentified, which show life inside the Home. One photo of particular interest to East Melbourne (p.22), and which is not identified, is the old Police Hospital that was part of the Richmond Barracks and was the building the institution first moved into in 1881 after leaving Fitzroy where it was founded.
- 2463 reads
East Melbourne, Berry Street
Newspaper cliipping - historical. Photos The Age, 1 November 2002. Also clipping announcing that Berry Street will move out of East Melbourne. 19 October 2005.
- 4238 reads
East Melbourne, Old Men's Shelter
Tells of the background leading up to its establishment and the history of the Old Men's Shelter in Powlett Reserve. EMHS Newsletter September 2002.
- 4127 reads
East Melbourne, Old Men's Shelter, Powlett Reserve
Source material for article in EMHS newsletter September 2002. Includes photos, Heritage Victoria report to Heritage Council, MCC minutes, Heritage Victoria statement of significance.
EMHS was at this point interested in occupying the Old Men's Shelter while the East Melbourne Library, which is its current base, was undergoing redevelopment.
- 4555 reads
For the Upholding of Womanhood.
Discusses the rise of hostels providing accommodation for the growing number of young girls coming to Melbourne in search of work during the inter-war years. One of these was Chalmers Hall in East Melbourne. Victorian Historical Journal November 1999 pp 116-127.
- 3498 reads
Looking back Looking forward
The story of 'Berry Street' Child and Family Care 1877-1977. Berry Street was founded in 1877 in Fitzroy as 'The Victorian Infant Asylum'. It moved to Berry Street, East Melbourne in 1881 occupying the old Police Hospital that had been part of the mounted police barracks. Over the years it acquired neighbouring properties, including Tandarra in Vale Street.
- 2351 reads
No Longer by Gaslight: The First 100 Years of the Adult Deaf Society of Victoria
History of the Deaf Society from 1884-1984. Includes much information about Jolimont Square and conversion work undertaken. Photos. Index.
The EMHS copy is in fragile condition and the image of the 1925 plan included here is one of the only internal pages available for scanning because it has broken away from the spine.
- 4960 reads
Push to add police site to Yarra parkland
Newspaper clipping about proposal by Melbourne City Council to demolish old police station and add the land to Yarra Park, along with former army barracks site on Swan Street, as compensation for land lost in re-development of MCG. Report that old police station to be used by Big Brothers Big Sisters.
- 2966 reads
Shelter protected
Newspaper clipping reporting that Mary MacKillop House in Albert Street, East Melbourne, has been added to the register of Heritage Victoria. Mary MacKillop House was established as a home for homeless and unemployed women by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Photo.
- 2575 reads