Richmond Barracks
Berry Street 140 Years: Restoring Trust and Hope
A history of Berry Street, formerly Berry Street Babies Home. Numerous photos, mostly unidentified, which show life inside the Home. One photo of particular interest to East Melbourne (p.22), and which is not identified, is the old Police Hospital that was part of the Richmond Barracks and was the building the institution first moved into in 1881 after leaving Fitzroy where it was founded.
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East Melbourne, Punt Road 1035, 1037, 1039
Three terrace houses built in a stepped arrangement to accomodate the steep slope of the site.
The first house on this allotment was a remnant of the old Mounted Police Barracks. It and the hospital, which became the Berry Street Babies’ Home, were the only two buildings to remain after all the others were cleared in preparation for the subdivision and sale of the site in 1881.