East Melbourne, Gipps Street 017, Gipps Street Cellars
A double fronted shop with residence above. The shop front has been modernised with plate glass windows each side of the central door. There is a modern awning which may have replaced a cast iron verandah. Above there are three arched windows framed by pilasters at each end of the facade. The facade here is painted brick which is possibly polychrome underneath. The side walls are bluestone.
Mr. Webber, the first owner of the building, when he notified the council of his intention to build gave the description 'house', however it appears that the building was used as a shop with residence above from the beginning. It was known then as Webber Bros & Co.
East Melbourne, Wellington Parade 136, 138, 140
Three shops with residence above
The building at 136-140 Wellington Parade was built in 1924 on a site previously occupied by a single brick house. It was designed by architect Nahum Barnet for Walter Joseph Williams, a chemist who had previously rented premises on the opposite corner since c.1915.
Memories of East Melbourne
Hand written notes on 1 x A4 page.
Author lived at 63 George Street from birth, 1946-1959.
Parents of author lived at 63 George Street from time of their marriage c.1933-1959.
The blue stone building [No. 65?] was originally a Cobb & Co. staging post. [No documentary confirmation of this has been found]
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