Spotted Pardalote
Spotted Pardalote in Agnes Street, Jolimont
Spotted Pardalote observed in Agnes Street, Jolimont on 26 July 2022. An extremely noisy demolition was taking place a couple of houses down and the bird seemed very agitated. Its call could not be recorded above the noise. A few days later it was found in same cottage garden but flew next door into a bushy garden.
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Spotted: a Spotted Pardalote in Jolimont
This tiny Spotted Pardalote was recorded in a cottage garden in Agnes Street, just up the road from a huge demolition taking place on Jolimont Street. It was nervously flitting between a branch and a small verandah ledge. The noise from the jack-hammers and diggers was too great to hear or record its call. We were quite concerned that its habitat had been destroyed, but a couple of days later we saw it again in the same garden before it flew next door into a much more protected bushy garden. We can only hope that it lives and thrives with its family without further disturbance. See a video at:
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