East Melbourne, Albert Street 128, 130
A pair of two-storey single fronted houses with cast iron balconies.
Thomas Wright, who built and owned the houses was a contractor who built many houses in the East Melbourne area. He lived next door and had his workshop behind, on the site now known as 1 Contractors Lane. The houses were built as investment properties and were let. After his death the properties remained in the ownership of his wife at least until 1890.
East Melbourne, Albert Street 128, 130 - Burchett
Built 1879 two 2 storey houses for Thomas Wright.
1888 occupied by:
128 Albert Street - Lydia Robinson
130 Albert Street - Lewis Bernard
- 2823 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 099 - Burchett
Old No. 82.
1854. Thos. Crawson to build for Geo. S.L. Robinson (first owner) 'Clarence Cottage' - 3 room iron house. Also: Alex McLaren to build brick cottage and additions.
1855. Richard Fitzgerald for T. Robinson a kitchen. Christy Esq of Queen Street - architect.
1861. Robinson - owner. Henry Torrens Moore - occupier to 1862. Large brick 2-storey.
- 3697 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 099, Halloween
Symmetrical, two storey, double fronted house with replacement verandah and balcony
In a Notice of Intent to Build dated 14 March, 1854 George Robinson gave notice of his intention to have builder, Thomas Crawson, erect a three room iron cottage. Robinson gave his address as Clarence Cottage, Fitzroy (Hotham) Street, and in the 1854 Rate Books a four room brick cottage appears under his name. This would indicate that the brick cottage pre-dates the iron one.
East Melbourne, Victoria Parade 380, 382, 384 - Burchett
Originally Nos.225-229.
1876. MCC BR: Wm.Rankin for H. Norman, Esq. 3 houses. Between Clarendon Street and Aitkins Brewery.
1878. Henry Norman - owner. 3 houses, each 9 rooms.
1878. Occupants: No.380 Henry Norman. No.382 William McEvoy. No.384 William Eyre.
1881. Occupants: No.380 Wolfe Fink. No.384 Clements Tobia.
- 3957 reads