Jolimont, Agnes Street 013, 015
A pair of 2 storey tuck pointed polychromatic brick terraces with single storey concave verandah supported by a timber frieze with cast iron panels. The yellow bricks have been used to form quoins to the first floor and an elegant corbelled parapet. Six pane sashes are used to first floor windows.
The houses were built for Jabez Bryant, who in 1864 was an employee outfitter. Shortly after, he attempted to set up his own business but was brought before the insolvency court in 1867, and discharged in 1869. Yet he was able to build these two fine houses only four years later. He owned them until 1886 when Henry Martin bought them. Bryant lived in No. 15 from about 1881 until 1886.
Jolimont, Agnes Street 013, 015 - Burchett
Some confusion exists between the 3 cards.
Following names mentioned from 1866 - 1874 John M Pitts, Jabez Bryant, Mrs. Brennan, H. Smithhurst, William Peebles, Chloris Peebles.
Built: 1872c.
Photograph: October 1974
- 2885 reads
Jolimont, Agnes Street 019, Roseville
A single-storey, double-fronted, rendered nineteenth century villa with a hipped slate roof. Timber-framed double-hung sash windows flank the central entrance, which has narrow sidelights. A verandah extends across the facade between wing walls, supported on timber posts and embellished with cast iron lacework. There are two rendered chimneys with rendered moulded caps.
The house first appears in the Rate Books as a five room brick house on a 33' by 120' allotment. It was owned by George Dean, who initially rented it to John Pitts. A number of short term tenanats followed. George Dean owned the house until his death in 1923. The sale notice in the Argus that year gives the house's name as Roseville.
Jolimont, Agnes Street 037, 039
A pair of four roomed brick cottages.
The houses were completed in 1867 for William Peebles next door to his own residence immediately to the north. William Peebles was a clothier with premises in Bourke Street, Melbourne. He died of consumption aged 49 in 1871. His wife remained the owner of the properties until at least 1890. The houses were rented to short term tenants.