East Melbourne, Hotham Street 154 - Burchett
1860. MCC BR: John McIntosh of Nicholson Street to build dwelling house For James Cumming, a surgeon dentist of 67 Swanston Street.
1861. James Cumming - owner/occupier.
1883. Cumming sold to fellow dentist, George H. Dougherty. Property was occupied by Dougherty family until 1953.
(Note: On index card Cumming also spelt as Cummings.)
Classified by National Trust.
- 2959 reads
East Melbourne, Hotham Street 154, Fairhall
Double fronted two storey town house in classical style
The house was built in 1860 for James Cummings, dental surgeon, and was originally a single fronted house of four rooms. It was six rooms with garden by 1867 and then in 1870 it was extended sideways to its current size. The Rate Books described it at this time as eight rooms, double drawing room and bathroom.
East Melbourne, Simpson Street 029 - Burchett
1878. MCC Building Advice: David Blair - owner and builder - to build 2-storey house on corner George Street. Originally named by Blair 'Kilburn'. David Blair was sawmiller of Echuca and owned the paddle steamer 'Adelaide'. Sold in 1881 to Murray River Sawmills. Used in Red Gum Trade, now classified by National Trust and preserved at Echuca. Was built in Echuca 1866.
- 4658 reads
Jolimont, Jolimont Street 066, 068 - Burchett
1866. MCC BR: John McIntosh for Henry Apperly 2 cottages.
1868. Apperly - owner of both cottages. Each brick, 5 rooms.
- 2485 reads
Jolimont, Palmer Street 001, 003, 005
A row of three two storey terrace houses extensively remodelled.
The three terrace houses at 1-5 Palmer Street, Jolimont were built in 1888 by F McIntosh for Thomas Care. If there were an architect involved his name is not known. However the previous year Thomas Care had the same builder erect a house at 21 Charles Street, which runs at right angles behind the Palmer Street houses.
Jolimont, Palmer Street 001, 003, 005 - Burchett
1888. MCC BR: F. McIntosh to build three 2-storey houses for Mr. T. Care.
1890. Occupiers: No.1 Mrs. Catherine Beaton. No.3. Edward C. Whitty. No.5. George E. Pearce.
Note: Terrace dated on building. Photo shows No.1 From left.
- 2757 reads