Cook's Cottage - fact sheet
A self-guided fact sheet for visitors to Cook's Cottage.
- 2274 reads
East Melbourne, Albert Street 204, 206, 208 - Burchett
Built in 1859 three 2 storey houses for W.G.Spriggs - owner. Built by Robert Huckson.
1861 owned by W.G. Sprigg, occupied by:
204 - A. Schulkraft
206 - F. Cook
208 - Richard Wade
1868-1881 204 was occupied by William Sprigg
1979 became Clarendon Medical Centre
- 4010 reads
East Melbourne, Grey Street 137
Brick double fronted house with verandah.
Frederick Cook had bought the land on which the house sat at the Crown Land Sales on 25 May 1853, ten months later building commenced. He and his family moved in on completion and two more children were born in the short time the family remained there.
East Melbourne, Vale Street 008, 010 - Burchett
1903. MCC BR: W.H. Smith for C. Costello 3 cottages (this should probably be 2).
1905. Christopher Costelloe - owner of 2 brick houses, each 6 rooms. Occupiers: No.10 Frank R. Paul. No.12 Chas Cook.
- 2558 reads
Vandals attack Cook's Cottage
Newspaper clipping about vandalism to Cook's Cottage in the Fitzroy Gardens. The vandals sprayed the cottage with an anti-Australia day message.
- 2246 reads