118 Gipps Street, East Melbourne. Electoral Roll of 1913
1 x A4 pages of typed notes being the names of residents living at 118 Gipps Street, East Melbourne extracted from Electoral Rolls of 1913.
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Jolimont, Agnes Street 037, 039
A pair of four roomed brick cottages.
The houses were completed in 1867 for William Peebles next door to his own residence immediately to the north. William Peebles was a clothier with premises in Bourke Street, Melbourne. He died of consumption aged 49 in 1871. His wife remained the owner of the properties until at least 1890. The houses were rented to short term tenants.
Presbyterian Ladies College: class photo
Black and white photo shows a group of students in school uniform, some standing, some sitting on the ground. Numbers appear on the reverse which correspond to a list of names accompanying the photo.
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