Cathedral Place
Eastern Hill
Newspaper article promoting a plan that would visually link the buildings on Eastern Hill and make it a more defined precinct, mentions the restoration of several buildings on Eastern Hill including St. Patrick's Cathedral, Old Treasury and Parliament House, also mentions the forthcoming development of Government land in Cathedral Place. The Age, 22 October, 1994.
- 3035 reads
Set in stone
Newspaper clipping - Jeff Kennett as model for gargoyle on St. Patrick's Cathedral. Photos. The Age, 7 June 2002.
- 4418 reads
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Photocopied historical plans and photos of St. Patrick's Cathedral prepared by Richard Falkinger, architect, for East Melbourne Historical Society walk on 19 February 2003.
- 4233 reads
St. Patrick's Cathedral: a life
A history of St. Patrick's Cathedral, its building, objects, clergy, congregation, liturgy, and recent renovation. Many colour photos. Index of principal names and places.
- 3263 reads
The Halfway House to Infidelity: A History of the Melbourne Unitarian Church 1853-1973
A history of the church, its buildings, clergy, congregation, doctrine. Photos. Index.
- 3759 reads