Whelan the Wrecker
Robyn Annear
Robyn Annear was awarded a State Library Creative Fellowship from 2003-2004 to research Whelan the Wrecker and was elected to the State Library Board in September 2006. She has served as a judge in the Age Book of the Year and Victorian Premier's Literary Awards since 2001.
On 18 April, she will speak about the lost landscape of East Melbourne - the buildings demolished by Whelan the Wrecker. Don't miss this opportunity to hear one of Victoria's foremost historians.
- 1879 reads
East Melbourne Festa
The historical society will have its own stall where we will be on hand to give out information about the society and promote interest in our local history.
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- 1590 reads
East Melbourne Synagogue
Elizabeth Morris
Dennis Martin
Visit East Melbourne Synagogue for talk and tour.
- 1552 reads