Information from Paul Burke, 19 June 2013:-
-John Baird McAlister was born in Tapanui, Otago, NZ, in 1885. His parents were Scottishh immigrants to NZ from Lanarkshire, Scotland. His father was also John Baird McAlister and his mother Mary McAlister, nee Turnbull.
-at some point he immigrated to Melbourne
-he enlisted to fight in WWI. He was living in Powlett Street at the time he enlisted
-he returned to Melbourne after the war
-he continued to live in Melbourne for the rest of his life
-he died on 9 April 1932
-he does not appear to have married or had children.
McAlister's war service records reveal that he enlisted 12 Jan 1916. He embarked from Melbourne for Southhampton on the Runic 20 Jun 1916 and transferred to France on 8 Nov 1816. He was absent without leave for a day from 12 November and forfeited five days pay. Admitted to hospital three times, first with scabies. The last time he was transferred to England on 28 Dec 1917 and returned to Australia with a strained heart, disembarking at Melbourne on 13 Mar 1918. He was discharged 4 July 1918.
He gave his occupation as carpenter. He was 5ft 7ins, fair complexion, blue eyes and auburn hair. At the time of his death he had a de facto wife, Emelda Haddrick of 3 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy.
S Black, 20/06/13